While this is not "officially" official, I have confirmed this with an inside source. Details are scarce at this point, but Kirk is likely another victim of the WB's cost-cutting measures. The move to Canada has caused quite a shake up on the show, with numerous behind-the-scenes people leaving as well. More info to come...
* Thanks to TheODI for the screenshot
wow. unexpected. this sucks.
I can't believe this. I guess I won't be watching the second season after all.
Is this why he filmed an episode for next season before season 1 wrapped?
I heard Josh Jackson wanted him off the show... hope that's not true.
WOW! I think the viewers will miss him more than the show producers think! Can I have his Ford Flex that he always drives around? Very cool car!
I am so horribly disapointed! I was really warming up to Charlie. Of all the people to get rid of...why not Gene the cow?!
Okay - not really a sad moment. Sorry for him, but his character was boring.
Well its safe to say the show is done first the move to Thursday and now this. I may not watch anymore I'm one who hates when shows does this
He was a good character, and will be missed. I hope they at least write him out in a good way.
As for not watching the show anymore just because a not-so-main character is gone...I don't think I'll be getting on that band wagon, sorry. That's being a little dramatic.
I like his voice :( Too bad...
I have to agree - it sucks that he's gone, but the loss of one character isn't enough to stop me from watching a show.
@Brian re: "not watching the show anymore just because a not-so-main character is gone"
It's a little different when it's your favorite character and the only reason you bother to watch in the first place.
Sheesh. D***ed economy. I love Charlie. He's such an unexplored character. I agree with the above, fire Gene. I'm sure it costs a pretty penny to keep the bovine there and his handlers. Don't get rid of good cast members.
That being said, there's no way I'd stop watching the show over this.
Oh my god.
This is....
This is just sad... :'(
I think I need a box of TISSUES...
Oh no... :'(
Is this serious??
No... Please...
I searched facebook and find no evidence that kirk acevedo even has a facebook account. I smells of FAKE. It's not that hard to do a little search to find out that he doesn't seem to have a facebook account before you start splattering FRINGE FAIL everywhere.
Chris, it's also not that hard to actually read my post and see that I have confirmed that the news was true before I posted it.
As for not being able to find Kirk's Facebook page... maybe that's the point... it's private.
You can only find his Facebook on the NY network. Nowhere else, Chris.
Are they out of their minds? I really liked this character, he was like a link between Fringe division and real world to me ;( Made the show more realistic, it reminded that they are indeed working among normal people. I will miss him ;(
Fair enough, and yes it seems as though he keeps his Facebook page private, which is probably why he thought he could post what he did. Looks like he needs to do some cleaning house on his "friend" list.
I would be interested in a take from this on the other side. Nevertheless, bummer :(
Just when I was starting to be interested in his character. Oh well. I hope he at least gets written off in a good way.
this is really unfortunate. charlie seemed to be useless in the beginning of the season, but his story was really just starting to be fleshed out and will be sorely missed from the show. Anna Torv is still a little dry, and I found he was able to liven up the scenes they were together in.
"Fair enough, and yes it seems as though he keeps his Facebook page private, which is probably why he thought he could post what he did. Looks like he needs to do some cleaning house on his "friend" list."
Kirk is on the New York, NY network with no restrictions. If you are on that network, you can see his full profile. So, therefore, you can see his status updates, and that's how the screenshot was taken. If he didn't want anyone to know, he would have upped his security, or, better yet, not posted it on a place like Facebook.
PS, he took down the status. Hope it didn't get him in trouble.
Likely the best casting on te show... hard to believe!
They're casting for a female FBI agent to replace him. Looks like Fringe is going in a new direction.
according to ausiello questions
it looks that's confirmed
it's so bad news
we will miss him but only if we khow why fired ?
Question: Kirk Acevedo has apparently been fired from Fringe, according to his Facebook status. This is so sad, Charlie was just getting interesting. Do you have any info on that and what it means for his character? --Caroline
Ausiello: It means his character won't be back.
OMG..who would have thought this would happen. I thought he was a real asset to the show.Too bad he will be missed.
Obviously someone higher up is ignorant. The character of Charlie is like one of the "control group," a normal, functioning person among the many abnormal, variably-functioning ones.
And I enjoyed Olivia having a mentally-balanced male confidant to watch her back and keep her grounded.
And what about the fun occasional tension between Charlie and Peter?
We'll lose all of that by replacing Charlie with a female FBI character!
"Can we have a box of tissues, please?"
sob! sob! (blowing my nose) sob! sob!
Not sure why everybody is so upset, the show isn't the "Charlie" show.
No, but he was a great character,Anon.
Jeff Pinker sounds like Bill Clinton debating the definition of 'is.'
Dude. Pinkner used to be an attorney. He is very careful with his language. He does not like the word "fired" because it sounds harsh, which it is. He keeps insisting Kirk is not fired, but that his option was not picked up for the second season. Potato, pah-tah-to. Phrase it however you like, the end result is the same. Acevedo is not returning as a main character. I'm sure Bad Robot wants him to return for an episode or maybe even a few more. This is just to tie up loose strings within their story lines. Boo Jeff Pinkner. Boo Bad Robot. Bad robots indeed.
Has anyone seen Kirk in the past 24 hours? Because I feel he could be in grave danger: tied to a chair in Jeff Pinkner's pool room with the likes of WB's tv and Fox executives hosing him down with water and yelling in his face, "Now here's what you're gonna say Puerto Rican..."
So many sad bloggers. Why don't we write his exit for them. They cut two episodes this season - I imagine they used those two to 're-craft' the start of next season.
So. Charlie is not better after the monster attack in 'Unleashed' - and he has to be taken down by the science team. Exit Agent Francis.
How do the Feds move to Vancouver. They don't. They move to the Pacific NorthWest and move into the Fed building in Seattle. The Fringe Comics have an Alaskan storyline. Not hard to move all of the New England Pattern crimes to a "Pacific Rim" pattern of crimes. (?) It will look a lot like Stargates, X-files, Dead Like Me, Dead Zone, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, etc... But we get a new Charlie - who has to be a Canadian actor - so Bad Robot gets the tax credits.
Good News! Torv and Noble have five hours loped off of their visits home to Brisbane and Sydney, AU.
Female agent, has to be Canadian? Kristin Kreuk! Or Katherine Winnick! Or Missy Peregrym! Too bad about Charlie, he was a good character.
Alt choices would be
2) Suleka Mathew
3) Anne Heche
4) Sarah Strange
apparenty he wasn't fired
He was not fired.
Totally fired!! The producers just didn't realize that Kirk had such a fanbase in a culture outside of their own. The article means nothing and I wouldn't read it unless you wanna hear Jeff Pinkner glub glub glub a nice backstroke for you. It's spin at this point. They'll try to bring him back for an episode or two to quell the swelling masses but at the end of the day homeboy just got assed out of a year's work.
Sad sad news. This totally ruined the rest of my day when I found out this afternoon. I really hope they find a way to write him out, cuz it would be an EPIC FAIL if they re-cast another actor for the character.
Seriously, I would rather have ASTRID replaced than agent CHARLIE FRANCIS...unless they have something special in-store for Astrid. Acevedo was way more active in Season 1 than her.
Apparently they have plans for Astrid...
The entire thing is an intelligence test.
What's odd is that it's now bi-directional.
Why the move to Canada??!!! I liked the fact that the show was being filmed in the US. I get so sick of seeing 'this movie/show' and 'that movie/show' being made elsewhere (Canada, New Zeland, etc.) Main audience and income will be from the US, oh but let's go make it (and spend our money doing so) somewhere else. It really pisses me off that all everyone thinks about anymore is getting the lowest price on doing something, to hell with loyalty to their home country, where they will make their profits!! That's part of the problem that we are having with this whole economy due to other businesses moving everything offshore!! ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Wake up people!!!!
No Way! I just cancelled it out of my DVR line up. Too many changes going on.
Oh come on!? Don't do that! He needs to continue to be Charlie!
Come on people. It's one character, and a rather boring one at that. The show could do well not only without Charlie but without a "replacement character" for him as well. It just needs Walter, Peter, Olivia, Astrid, their boss and the crew from Massive Dynamics. Add in a few guest stars and Mr. Nimoy and you've got a show.
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