The Fringe Podcast Episode 515-Feedback For "Five-Twenty-Ten" ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

The Fringe Podcast Episode 515-Feedback For "Five-Twenty-Ten"

      Email Post       11/21/2012 09:12:00 PM      

In this episode of The Fringe Podcast we share some of the listener feedback that we received for the Fringe season 5 episode, "Five-Twenty-Ten." We hear several theories about Peter including some that he will become September, and others predicting he will become Windmark. We also hear various thoughts on the RESIST posters and who might be putting them up. Other theories and thoughts shared in this podcast deal with Walter's transformation, Olivia's role this season, the identity of Donald, and how Peter might be playing right in to Windmark's plan.

We received a ton of amazing feedback from the listeners and we appreciate all the contributions that were sent in. Send in your thoughts, theories and feedback by calling our voice feedback line at 304-837-2278 or email us at


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