Fringe 507 Preview: "Five-Twenty-Ten" ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe 507 Preview: "Five-Twenty-Ten"

      Email Post       11/09/2012 10:50:00 PM      

Here is the preview from the end of "Through The Looking Glass And What Walter Found There" for the Fringe episode "Five-Twenty-Ten", which airs on FRIDAY, November 16th at 9:00PM on FOX.

Screenshots from this preview can be viewed at


Unknown said...

Your secret is out Peter will this help them?? Or can Windmark control Peter?

Lccf said...

Exactly, Cazza Rule, seeing how Windmark reacts when he witnesses Peter's powers, I guess he can "hijack" the thing in his head. Until he does, a team member with the ability to predict the future the way the Observers do is quite handy !

Zepp said...

I also follow the reasoning of you. But I think that the Windmark, can - in theory - only interfere with this communicability (give ringing in his head ...) between them, but not in his powers, now achieved. Because, I assume, that Peter is "half" Baldie, not a "whole" Baldie, because he is also a human being. Still, I think Peter is a complicated trouble.

Unknown said...

Lccf Definately came in handy Peter finding his way around and the porthole and back to the monorail so quickly in the last episode.

Unknown said...

Zepp I hope so I really want Peter to pull out if the dark path. Just a question can all of them see the resist posters just a little strange that the observers leave those posters unless their surveillance cameras are behind them. Is the Glint in Walters eye a John noble eye thing or something more? Peter seemed to look at something other the Olivia when they were on the monorail it might just be he sees everthing differently I wondered how the radio will help. Looks like Peter creates a fringe event in the next episode.

Unknown said...

Me again did September say to Walter I can't remember the episode to look after the beacons maybe the radio frequency trips those beacons off as we see in the preview?

Zepp said...

They are very good questions, these yours, Cazza Rule. I watch Fringe, like a mosaic, or a chessboard, with a hundred squares (episodes), which is presented to us, more or less out of order, or almost out of order. But each square (episode) this mosaic, has a close relationship content with one or more squares (episode), already shown to us, and sometimes far from this, we have seen recently. This is the case in this episode 5.06, which has to do with the content of episode 1.03 ("The Ghost Network") and 1.15 ("Inner Child"). The epi 1.03, is related to mental communication, that Peter now has with the Baldies, and the issues of radio frequencies, that little radio found in the "pocket universe" and the epi, 1.15 is super connected with this "inner child" that Walter hid, and appeared in this epi 5.06. I mean with all that, we are now in the phase of the responses, ultimate, Fringe, and certainly every little detail is important. In other words, we are missing only seven squares for completing this great chess board, called Fringe.

- Yes, Cazza Rule, I also noticed a strange gleam in the eye of Walter in the "air" of his physiognomy. Alongside that, I also noticed a rapid change in the personality of Walter when he entered that "pocket universe." He was like the attitudes of Walternate, somewhat brusque, almost numb, emotionally speaking.

- Yeah, that monorail train, appeared to detail a vision of Peter. No doubt, now, Peter, is another being. It is neither human nor Baldie, or is a combination of the two. And, of course, that his view changed, he, no there's just one color vision, he (I presume) sees, too, beyond the normal range of the eye, so that his appearance in Blue to see everything. Peter (at least now), is another thing. And the little radio that they took with them, I think it's often the Baldies, and will serve for all, not only Peter, listen to the commands of the Baldies, I presume.

Thanks by the questions, Cazza Rule!

Zepp said...

Sorry Cazza Rule, I forgot one of your questions. It's about those posters (RESIST), that Olivia saw that alley. For me, that scene from episode 5.05, was something more symbolic, a word or picture to support Olivia, something like, "even if you are suffering for me, resist, go to the fight." At least I saw it that way. Of course, the Baldies, from time to time, should remove these posts, but undoubtedly others will be posed again, these lonely walls, the Human Resistance.

1 said...

The gleam in Walter's eye has been there since Peter was erased

Unknown said...

Thank you Zepp! I am rewatching season 1 and more and more things are connecting when I watch the current episodes. Your liking fringe to a chess game is brilliant

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thanks again Zepp! I can saw Fringe is the only show I can rewatch an episode and find more things. There is always a hidden meaning which I love.

Unknown said...

Apologies meant to say say not saw damn preemptive text

panda said...

Is the Glint in Walters eye a John noble eye thing or something more?

Hi Cazza Rule, John Noble had cataract surgery.

Unknown said...

Thanks Panda :-) maybe they noticed this and used this as part of the storyline?

panda said...

I really don't know Cazza. :)

Unknown said...

Any theories as to who Donald is? Have we met him before someone like Sam Weiss?

milostanfield said...

Weird Theory #1 - Donald is "The Next Sam Weiss", in other words an offspring of the Weiss family taking up the family tradition of curating ancient texts. Or maybe Sam himself. The pic of Donald from the archive showed him turned away from us with his arms behind his back. Trying to remember if our old Sam Weiss, or anyone else, ever struck the same pose.

Really Weird Theory #2 - Donald is the offspring of Lincoln and Altlivia, and came over to the BlueVerse to help out. This one came after a couple of drinks, is not probable (see #3), and is admittedly an inebriated desire to bring the RedVerse back into play.

Theory #3 - more probable (but less sexy) is that Donald is someone we just haven't met yet. The problem with Donald is the 21 year time gap between the invasion and 2036. Donald has appeared, so far, only during the time just after the invasion (2015), and was then described as "late 30's, dark hair". That shoots down my theory #2, since even if Linc and Altlivia's child was conceived the day he found his apartment, he would still be a child in 2015. If we meet Donald in 2036 he would be near Walter's age unless he was also conveniently stuck in amber. So we probably won't see him at all except in flashback.

Weird Theory # 4 - It's Brandon, BlueVerse version. Yeah, I know, why is he called Donald? I just miss our impish nerd.

Weird Theory # 5 - a Cortexiphan kid. Take your pick.

Weird Theory # 6 - the "Librarian" from "Entrada"

Weird Theory # 7 - Agent Kashner!

milostanfield said...

Weird Theory # 8 - Donald is and is not William Bell. By that I mean someone who we haven't met who at some time "had a cup of tea" with Mr. Bell, ala "Bellivia". DonBelly if you will.

Zepp said...

I was also curious, this: "Who is he?" From what we know, Donald was "the guy who was waiting for Walter in the lab." As it is mentioned and is part of the scenes in an old video, so that Donald could be a guy who is a specialist in Betamax, which was in service, which was only to assist the Walter!

Unknown said...

Fantastic love your theories Milostanfield

Unknown said...

So Zepp he might really be assisting Walter so not as crucial role as we think? There was a Donald Long in one of the episodes I can't remember which but he was a big dude not like the Donald we saw the back of in this episode

Zepp said...

Yes, Cazza Rule, I could be totally wrong, but I think that Donald is a mere sidekick, who led Walter to serve as a camera man and baggage handler, was hiding when the "inner child" in that building. He appears in the video when the camera is on top of something, and Walter is talking to the "inner child". The point of this scene is (+ / -) at the 27:56 mark, this episode 5.06. The Donald appears in the background near a bed, carrying a backpack. He is a guy blonde of medium height wearing a dark blue sweater. As I said, I could be wrong, but that Donald, for me, is an ordinary guy, unimportant or irrelevant in the context of the script Fringe. I think ...

Unknown said...

Was Cecil just Collateral damage? I just thought it strange that he really didn't speak much but listened to everything they said. Joshua Jackson's starting to head tilt like an observer was very clever. Do we call Peter a Peterver now?

Zepp said...

Cazza, for my part, I think Cecil is, alongside Donald, a character type "super" passenger, momentary, like "hello, I'm here and goodbye." The Donald is more time there, for he has been mentioned in a previous episode and this, for now, but I think he now "is gone", unless I am mistaken. for me, the transient character of Fringe, most famously, he was still stored in my memory, was the FBI agent Amy Jessup, who appeared with prominent (very well, I think) in the first episode of the second season, and "pluft ", disappeared and was never heard of her. In Fringe, always has been, I see. And Peter, I think he is in control of himself, even though he now has these abilities, of the Baldies Windmark, I feel.

Matthew M said...

Isn't Donald the dead guy in the well trying to bring up the rocks? i thought it was his name.

Unknown said...

Zepp love it super passenger! I liked agent Jessup but she interfered with my hoping for Polivia scenes haha. I really miss Charlie I like Lincoln but rewatching Season 1 I miss the chemistry of partners with him and Liv. I am hoping Peter comes through with these added powers and doesn't completely lose who he is.

gohicm3rcy said...

Just one way this can go
Observers do not exist in the alt universe.
The reason for this? Peter bishop doesnt exist in that universe
There is only one peter
There is only one windmark
Peter is windmark

Everything has happened has had to
Its all been known by the leader. The creator of the observers.. and its only come to pass because walter is distracted and focussed like the alt walter. Which took away the more fatherly walter. This had to happen or walter would have been clinging and focussed as a father... and peter wouldnt have inserted the tech.

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