Fringe picked up in UK, Sweden ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe picked up in UK, Sweden

      Email Post       8/07/2008 12:13:00 PM      

The broadcast rights for Fringe has been picked up in the UK and Sweden, which will both air the show this fall.

Guardian: Lost creator JJ Abrams' new show Fringe snapped up by Sky:
Sky1 has acquired the exclusive UK television rights to Lost creator JJ Abrams' new science fiction drama Fringe.
Sky said the new series, which will debut on the revamped Sky1 this autumn, would "thrill, terrify and explore the blurring line between science fiction and reality"

Variety: J.J. Abrams' 'Fringe' heads to Sweden
Sweden's Kanal 5, owned by European broadcast group ProSiebenSat.1, has nabbed Swedish rights to J.J. Abrams' produced series "Fringe."

Kanal 5 has bought the first 13 episodes to air in the fall. The series, described as a mix of "Lost" and "The X-Files," debuts in the U.S. on Fox in September.

Kanal 5 programmer Katarina Eriksson said: "This is a different genre for us, since we have a lot of series aimed at women, like 'Grey's Anatomy' and 'Desperate Housewives.' 'Fringe' is more aimed at younger men. But this does not mean that we are going to change our mix, we see this as an addition."


tallone said...

off topic..has the horn changed on find the pattern? I don't remember seeing the golden rectangle there.

Zort70 said...

I've just seen the news on the BBC News website as well.

Great news that we in the UK will be able to watch it.

Anonymous said...

Not really good news for those UK fans who have Virgin Media as their cable provider..SKY lost so many viewers when they decided to deny Virgin access to their network channels because they were not being paid loads of cash for the privilege.
One year on the dispute is still ongoing so no SKY ONE for me, I would rather have had Channel 5 pick up Fringe instead!

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