Here are the promotional photos for Fringe episode 109 - The Dreamscape.
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It seems like the pictures at the lead ins to the commercials are starting to come into play in the actual plot now. First, the picture of the 6 fingered hand and the butterfly in episode 108. We then learn in episode 109 that the butterflies are able to cut down to the bone. (Bones for wings?) Also, the frogs show up.
Finally, I noticed that in Olivia's Apartment she had a picture of a potted plant on the wall. I couldn't really tell, but it looked like some of the petals may have been the dragonfly wings.
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It seems like the pictures at the lead ins to the commercials are starting to come into play in the actual plot now. First, the picture of the 6 fingered hand and the butterfly in episode 108. We then learn in episode 109 that the butterflies are able to cut down to the bone. (Bones for wings?) Also, the frogs show up.
Finally, I noticed that in Olivia's Apartment she had a picture of a potted plant on the wall. I couldn't really tell, but it looked like some of the petals may have been the dragonfly wings.
Good thinking, and very interesting. We've got much to study during the hiatus!
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