Exclusive: 4.02 Title Reveled ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Exclusive: 4.02 Title Reveled

      Email Post       7/21/2011 11:54:00 AM      

IMDB.com has just update their info and the title for the second episode of season 4 is "Bad Machines".

We are going to wait until Joel Wyman or Jeff Pinkner confirme this title at Comic Con. But for now, what do you think about the name?.


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of "Bad Robot"

Unknown said...

More interested in the cast. ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that's a weird name. It's like it's supposed to be funny. But considering the situation we were left in the s3 d=final. I don't know. but it's still just a title, as aimee said I'm also interested in the cast. and I have no Idea what's going on behind the scenes. I remember last year I almost know how things were gonna play out. maybe because of the nature of the cliff.

Anonymous said...

I wonder in the observers are machines and they are bad...

Sophie Renoir said...

I wonder whats title 4.01, hopefully we'll find our around August 20th or something. SUPER EXCITED!!

Anonymous said...

My summer read is Winter's Tale (the book young Olivia was reading)...they talk a lot about machines in there...hmmmmm...CAN'T WAIT!!!!

fringeobsessed said...

They sure do talk about machines in "Winter's Tale!" And Peter Lake has alot to do with them.
And kudos, to you, Anon, for taking on that 670 page book. Would love to discuss it with you when you're done. :)

cortexifan said...

I've read it as well and need to read it again with a marker and highlight all the reference to Fringe that I think are in there, names, places, the machines and more. I also thought it interesting that Peter in Subject 13 thought he lived in the city at the bottom of the lake.

Elizabeth (no longer Anonymous!) said...

Good point Cortexifan!!!!! And Fringeobsessed, I'd love to discuss it as soon as I'm finished! (whenever that is!)

fringeobsessed said...

I wrote down all the page numbers that have Fringe-y or time-related references. And yes, that mention in "Subject 13" got my attention also.

cortexifan said...

I don't have my own copy yet, borrowed it from the library. My favorite chapter is just that one page where it talks about nothing happening for no reason. I read right after Subject 13 and have to admit it took me a while to grasp everything. English is not my first language and I wasn't used to the style of writing either but once I got into it I couldn't put it down.

One more question: fringeobsessed, when are you planning on watching "Unearthed"?

And Elizabeth, welcome!

fringeobsessed said...

Message me under "Contributors," bottom right of this main page.

cortexifan said...

fringeobsessed, sorry but I don't understand? Also I don't do facebook or twitter. I will have a good friend of mine, who is friends with you on facebook, relay my email address to you.

fringeobsessed said...

OK, cortexifan. :)

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