The Fringe Event-August 10-12, 2012 ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

The Fringe Event-August 10-12, 2012

      Email Post       7/10/2012 09:54:00 AM      

Feel like meeting other Fringe fans next month at a special Fringe-related event?
Feel like visiting places in Vancouver where the show is filmed?

Then please consider joining fellow Fringe fans for this once-in-a-lifetime event, The Fringe Event,
which will take place in Vancouver, British Columbia this coming August 10-12, 2012.
Just what is "The Fringe Event"(or TFE as I will call it from now on)?
 Here's the description from the official website:

It is a dedicated weekend of Fringe themed activities being organised by fans, for fans. We will be running walking tours of past filming locations, screening Fringe on a cinema screen (WB copyright approval pending), bowling at Sam's bowling alley, taking a trip to Reiden Lake, holding debates on Fringe theory and mythology and more. In the evenings we will be holding mixer events to give us all a chance to relax and talk – after all, many of us will have never had the chance to meet in “real life” before even though we are all quantum-entangled through social media.

The Fringe Event will be taking place from Friday, August 10th (in the evening) through 'til midnight on Sunday, August 12th.

Tickets are still available at $135 per adult and $85 per child(under age 16). Part of the proceeds of the ticket sales go to Oxfam Canada.

The program includes:

  • Friday night reception

  •  downtown walking tour with photo opps of:"The Bishop House, FauxLivia's apartment building, Markham's book store, The Alt!Verse Fringe Division HQ and many more locations)"
  • Evening mixer/party that the cast and crew have also been invited to attend(Please note that executive producer Joel Wyman has been invited!)
Sunday: A walk around Reiden Lake and 2 games of bowling at Sam Weiss' bowling alley
  • Fringe Trivia
  • Special viewing of Fringe episodes in a rented cinema from 6PM on
As you can see this is truly a one-of-a-kind Fringe fan event!

Visit the TFE website here. The website has information on the itinerary, ticket purchasing, the location, and accomodations. You can also donate to the TFE charity,  Oxfam Canada, via this website.

You can also follow The Fringe Event on Twitter:@The Fringe Event and like them on Facebook.

PLEASE NOTE:TFE takes place at the Coast Plaza Hotel in Vancouver, BC.
Today is the last day to received a special rate at the Coast Plaza Hotel for THE FRINGE EVENT. See @The Fringe Event on Twitter for more details.



aydee said...

I'll be there on the 9th. Want to do some sight-seeing on my own and hopefully see them filming. This is going to be a blast!!!

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