Fringe Easter Eggs: Video from The Other Side contains LOST spoilers? ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Easter Eggs: Video from The Other Side contains LOST spoilers?

      Email Post       4/23/2010 10:36:00 AM      

In the Fringe episode "The Man From The Other Side", when the shape shifters arrived in our universe, the event interrupted the TV signals of several dozen homes within a half-mile radius of the warehouse. The odd interference contained broadcast signals from the alternate universe.

Two of the images displayed appear to be from a episode of LOST, you can clearly see Claire Littleton and Greg Grunburg, the pilot of Oceanic 815. They appear to be in Australia, based on the Kangaroo mural on the wall. According to SimonSmith2007 in the comments:
The LOST scene with Greg Grunberg and Claire Littleton is from the season 1 finale: "Exodus part 3" however it was never broadcast, it was a deleted scene on the Season 1 DVD. So in the alternate universe that scene aired :D

The other two images show some of the differences between our universe and the Walternate universe.

An image of the alternate White House shows a new glass roof. If you recall from the season 1 finale, over there the White House was destroyed on 9/11 - not the World Trade Center.

The last image is of the American flag, but you'll notice right away that the stars are in a different configuration. There appear to only be 48 states represented. This could mean that they never added Alaska and Hawaii, or that two states have seceded... Alaska and Texas?


RoscoeJones said...

there was a note on the computer monitor at the beginning of the autopsy scene. Said something like "Call Lea for Robert" or something. Any leads on that?

Unknown said...

The LOST scene with Greg Grunberg and Claire Littleton is from the season 1 finale: "Exodus part 3" however it was never broadcast, it was a deleted scene on the Season 1 DVD.

So in the alternate universe that scene aired :D

Greg said...

rather amazing the attention to detail the Fringe folk put into the's great!!

Unknown said...

Fringe is awesome, it's funny how Lost is only a tv show in the universe of Fringe, ha ha

Mr Vandebilt said...

i noticed it I FELT GOD

Blade said...

Kentucky and Massachusetts are not states, and never were.

doh said...

Did you notice the SUV Peter and Olivia had the plate 1R2D21 and the Colonel's plate was 1C3PO1?

Dennis said...

Kentucky and Massachusetts are commonwealths not states, but so are Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Unknown said...

About the states, it could be as simple as over there being two states known as Carolina and Dakota instead of North and South Carolinas and Dokotas.

Luke said...

In S01E10 The license plateof the 'bad guys' is 1R2D21 as well, maybe no-one noticed so they put it in again wit 1C3PO1 in it as well, to make sure everybody saw it. :)

Martin said...

As Luke said, the 'bad guys' in S01E10 had 1R2D21 on their license plate. Furthermore, in S01E11 Mitchel Loeb's license plate is also 1R2D21

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