PopSugar Playoffs: Joshua Jackson vs. Fergie ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

PopSugar Playoffs: Joshua Jackson vs. Fergie

      Email Post       4/13/2010 05:32:00 PM      

Celebrity website PopSugar is running thier annual PopSuagar 100 playoffs, where they pit celebrities against each other in a tournament style bracket to determine the #1 star.

Joshua Jackson is up against Fergie in the "Sexy Stars" league, and secret Fringe star Diane Kruger also made the list in The Buzz-Makers league. 

There's no need to sign up for anything (unless you want a chance to win a Chanel bag), so head over to PopSugar and help Josh make it to round two by voting for him now!

UPDATE: Both Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger lost in the first round :(


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