Tonight on Fringe is the all-new episode "Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver.".
As always, we'll have a LIVE Fringe chat from 9:00 PM to 12:00 PM ET, if you want to talk with other Fringe fans, during or after the show. We usually play "spot the observer", and "What's the glyph code?", plus discuss the action on the show. To join the chat, visit the Fringe chat room, enter your name or a nickname, and join the fun! (please don't use the default mib_xxxxx nickname!)
To discuss this or any other Fringe episode, head over to the Fringe Episodes section!
Also, don't forget to check the Fringe Easter Eggs section for Observer sightings, Glyph codes, and other Fringe hidden clues.
...it's definitely not "The Bishop Revival."
Who is the female lawyer in the 1st scene? I can't remember where I have seen her before.
That was Diane Kruger, Joshua Jackson's girlfriend. You may also recognize her from Troy, National Treasure, or as the Jewish theater owner from Inglorious Basterds.
Ahh, yeah you're right... my bad
Killer movie, saw it twice :)
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