Fringe Sale on iTunes ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Sale on iTunes

      Email Post       12/18/2008 12:48:00 PM      

iTunes is have a 99¢ sale on selected TV shows, including Fringe, Survivor, NCIS, Numb3rs, and all the CSIs. For a limited time, episodes are 99¢ each instead of the usual $1.99. You can also buy a season pass of all 22 Fringe episodes for $32.99, which will give you sale the price on the first 10 episodes, but not on the rest of the season.


Anonymous said...

You can view all the episodes online for free. Why would you pay for iTunes?

Dennis said...

• So you can watch them anywhere you want on your iPod/iPhone.
• Some people don't like to sit in front of a computer to watch TV.
• Some people don't have high-speed internet, so watching it online is not really an option.

Anonymous said...

Great reasons. I'm cheap so I typically don't want to purchase shows and the like. I also typically only view them once.

If people don't want to watch on their computers I can't see how the iPhone or iPod is any better? Perhaps people will output to a larger screen. This is what I do when I watch online or through iTunes (we rent movies through iTunes).

beaches_dude58 said...

If you download from iTunes you can watch it on your AppleTV or if you have the proper video card output it from your PC to a wide screen monitor.

Unknown said...

I am overseas and having Fringe on iTunes (which I have for the past 3 seasons) allows me to watch them via my Apple TV connection or I can upload the episode(s) to my iPhone or iPad and watch them any where.

Besides I would like to have them available in iTunes so I can watch them when I wish. Like All the Seasons of Lost, etc.

Thanks for Listening.

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