Fringe Benefits Project Artist Interview - Anthony Petrie ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Benefits Project Artist Interview - Anthony Petrie

      Email Post       1/22/2013 01:33:00 PM      

The next in our series of Fringe Benefits Project artist interviews is with Anthony Petrie the creator of the first poster in the series for episode 2.18 White Tulip.

Q - If you had the chance to create another print in this series what moment would you have chosen?

I loved the creature from the episode "Unleashed," it would have been a lot of fun to draw.

Q - Were you restricted/instructed in anyway?

No, we were allowed to depict the episode however we felt was most appropriate.

Q - Are there sketches or preliminary drawings that we might see?

I sent the initial concept sketch for the poster (right).

As you can see, the original idea was to have Alistair mid-teleport, but I decided it was more important and interesting to see his modified physique.

I wanted to do something that was a bit more dynamic compositionally, that referenced multiple timelines, had iconic elements from the episode, and included the main cast.

Q - What's it like to watch a reveal drop from your end? Did anyone let you know when your print was to be revealed, so you could witness the reaction online?

I always try to stay as true to the content as possible through concept and execution, and I think fans of the shows and movies I depict appreciate this. It's great to see positive feedback when I create a poster that resonates with a particular audience.

Q - Are you going to be releasing AP's? If so, a hint as to when they might drop? :D

If I do, I'll post any drop information on Twitter well ahead of time: @zombiebacons

Your Art

Q - How did you get into print making? What was your first print you ever did?

I've been designing professionally in the product industry for about 8 years, and I was doing a lot of fan art and freelance work on the side. Gallery 1988 contacted me through my website to be in their shows and the rest is history. My first ever screen print was a gig poster for The Street Dogs a few years ago. For G1988 it was my "Gus" poster for the Breaking Gifs campaign.

Q - Do you pull your own screens or use outside source?

I use a local printer for my gallery shows. I also share a screen printing studio, so small fun prints I pull myself.

Q - For those who are just getting into collecting art prints, what advice would you give to them regarding storage and upkeep that you wish you knew when you started?

Flat Files are great for storing prints, but are hard to come by and expensive. Whatever you can do to store them flat and in a cool, dry place out of the sun is good for preserving them. I think the best thing you can do is frame them, hang them, and enjoy them.

Q - Are you a collector of prints yourself? If so, what are some of your favorite prints you own from other artists?

I have a few. Mostly from local RI printers and friends. My favorite poster is my "Rocket from the Crypt" poster by COOP from 1996.

Q - Of all the prints you've done so far what's been the one you've been most excited to drop?

Probably the Predator poster I did for Gallery 1988's Crazy 4 Cult: NYC. Mostly because it was really exciting to be in a show like that, and it was great that it was on the east coast, so I could actually go to it.

Q - What would be your dream print to create for a gallery/studio (tv show, movie, band, or all three?)

Basically any 80's action movie or anything involving comics. I would love to do a full cast Predator poster. I would also love to do a Deftones gig poster.

Q - Have any crazy fan stories?

I don't think I have any crazy fans, or even a crazy amount of fans to have any stories.

Q - Can you give us any hints of any prints you'll be dropping soon??

If you like 80's toys as much as I do, you'll like what I'm working on right now.

A big thanks to Anthony for answering our questions and for creating such a beautiful poster.

You can see more examples of Anthony's work on and see current and upcoming work on

You can also follow Anthony on twitter - @zombiebacons


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