The very talented Joshua Budich has kindly responded to a request to answer a few questions about his involvement in the Fringe Benefits Art Project.
Q - Mr. Jensen Karp is the mastermind behind Gallery 1988 and The Fringe Benefits Project. When did he contact you about participating in the series? How much advance notice/working time did you have? Especially as the episodes were voted for by the fans of the show.
A - Jensen contacted me some time in November/December last year about any interest I had in paying homage to Fringe; which of course I jumped on being that it's one of my favorite shows. My piece was intended to be an overall, non-episodic homage, so I had quite a bit of time to get it done ahead of the opening of the website and voting.
Q - If you had the chance to create another print in this series what moment would you have chosen?
A - If I could be more specific and choose just one episode, I think I would have done "The Bullet that Saved the World". I still remember the gasp and tears that flowed from my wife when that shot rang out and Etta was killed. A VERY impactful episode for us both.
Q - Were you restricted/instructed in anyway ?
A - Nope. Jensen is very good about giving the artist as much freedom as possible to do what they do best.
Q - What's it like to watch a reveal drop from your end? Did anyone let you know when your print was to be revealed, so you could witness the reaction online ?
A - To be honest, I was just as shocked when the drop happened as everybody else, and I was completely floored and humbled by all the positive reaction to my piece.
Q - Are you going to be releasing AP's? If so, a hint as to when they might drop? :D
A - I will be dropping APs in the very near future. Join my mailing list at, for all the details when the time comes.
Q - Are you a fan of Fringe and did you re-watch episodes for inspiration for key details ?
A - We are huge fans of the show. I knew what key scenes I wanted to include, but yeah, I did do quite a bit of research online as well to recall specifics, and make sure I included some key elements.
Q - If you are a fan Who is your favourite character in the show ?
A - I love Walter Bishop. His evolution as a character has been amazing, and John Noble is an absolutely amazing actor to watch.
Q - Any favorite quotes?
A - Excellent. Let's make some LSD.
Q - Do you have a favorite moment / episode ?
A - It's hard to pick a favorite, as the series works as a whole. Tough question!
Your Art
Q - How did you get into print making? What was your first print you ever did?
A - One day I just decided that, "Hey! I think that's something I can do myself." That was almost 6 years ago. My first print was a commission I did for a company I was doing illustration and web design for at the time. But, my very first personal print, and the one that kicked off my print-making career was my "The King" homage to Elvis.
Q - Do you pull your own screens or use outside source?
A - I use several screenprinters across the US.
Q - For those who are just getting into collecting art prints, what advice would you give to them regarding storage and upkeep that you wish you knew when you started?
A - If you've got the cash, and the space, a flatfile is a great investment for long-term storage of your prints. Also, you can get START portfolio cases from any art supply store; is where I get mine. If you're framing your prints, make sure to get frame-spacers to keep the glass/plexi off of the surface of your prints; it'll leech the ink right off the paper if you don't.
Q - Are you a collector of prints yourself? If so, what are some of your favorite prints you own from other artists?
A - I am... big time! I love my CHANGE into a truck by Tim Doyle, my Jack White from Jeff Boyes, my Spock from Tracie Ching, and my Shogun Vader from Matt Dye (Blunt Graffix).
Q - Of all the prints you've done so far what's been the one you've been most excited to drop?
A - Fringe ranks pretty high up there! But, I was also really excited to drop my Boy Meets World print for 88, my Life Aquatic print for Spoke, my various Dead Rockstar prints for Blunt Graffix. I think I just love what I do, so it's hard to rank my excitement for one print or another.
Q - What would be your dream print to create for a gallery/studio (tv show, movie, band, or all three?)
A - Have to say... I'm kind of living my dream right now. All the work I've been able to produce for galleries, and for myself, have all been things I was really interested in and have a passion for. It's hard to complain when you're doing what you love, and people are really digging what you do.
Q - What is craziest request you've had from a fan/client?
A - I once wrote on a print, purchased by some grandparents for their grandson, "Happy Birthday! Love, Grandma and Grandpa."
Q - Have any crazy fan stories?
A - A ton. Maybe we can get a beer some time and I'll fill you in. ;)
Q - Can you give us any hints of any prints you'll be dropping soon??
A - I wish I could. ;)
We have to say a big thanks to Joshua for taking the time to answer our questions.
You can read more about Joshua and see his other works on his website
There is a page on his website specifically for this Fringe print - Click Here
You can also follow him on Twitter - @jbudich

A - Jensen contacted me some time in November/December last year about any interest I had in paying homage to Fringe; which of course I jumped on being that it's one of my favorite shows. My piece was intended to be an overall, non-episodic homage, so I had quite a bit of time to get it done ahead of the opening of the website and voting.

A - If I could be more specific and choose just one episode, I think I would have done "The Bullet that Saved the World". I still remember the gasp and tears that flowed from my wife when that shot rang out and Etta was killed. A VERY impactful episode for us both.
Q - Were you restricted/instructed in anyway ?
A - Nope. Jensen is very good about giving the artist as much freedom as possible to do what they do best.
Q - What's it like to watch a reveal drop from your end? Did anyone let you know when your print was to be revealed, so you could witness the reaction online ?
A - To be honest, I was just as shocked when the drop happened as everybody else, and I was completely floored and humbled by all the positive reaction to my piece.

A - I will be dropping APs in the very near future. Join my mailing list at, for all the details when the time comes.
Q - Are you a fan of Fringe and did you re-watch episodes for inspiration for key details ?
A - We are huge fans of the show. I knew what key scenes I wanted to include, but yeah, I did do quite a bit of research online as well to recall specifics, and make sure I included some key elements.

A - I love Walter Bishop. His evolution as a character has been amazing, and John Noble is an absolutely amazing actor to watch.
Q - Any favorite quotes?
A - Excellent. Let's make some LSD.
Q - Do you have a favorite moment / episode ?
A - It's hard to pick a favorite, as the series works as a whole. Tough question!
Your Art

A - One day I just decided that, "Hey! I think that's something I can do myself." That was almost 6 years ago. My first print was a commission I did for a company I was doing illustration and web design for at the time. But, my very first personal print, and the one that kicked off my print-making career was my "The King" homage to Elvis.
Q - Do you pull your own screens or use outside source?
A - I use several screenprinters across the US.

A - If you've got the cash, and the space, a flatfile is a great investment for long-term storage of your prints. Also, you can get START portfolio cases from any art supply store; is where I get mine. If you're framing your prints, make sure to get frame-spacers to keep the glass/plexi off of the surface of your prints; it'll leech the ink right off the paper if you don't.
Q - Are you a collector of prints yourself? If so, what are some of your favorite prints you own from other artists?
A - I am... big time! I love my CHANGE into a truck by Tim Doyle, my Jack White from Jeff Boyes, my Spock from Tracie Ching, and my Shogun Vader from Matt Dye (Blunt Graffix).
Q - Of all the prints you've done so far what's been the one you've been most excited to drop?
A - Fringe ranks pretty high up there! But, I was also really excited to drop my Boy Meets World print for 88, my Life Aquatic print for Spoke, my various Dead Rockstar prints for Blunt Graffix. I think I just love what I do, so it's hard to rank my excitement for one print or another.

A - Have to say... I'm kind of living my dream right now. All the work I've been able to produce for galleries, and for myself, have all been things I was really interested in and have a passion for. It's hard to complain when you're doing what you love, and people are really digging what you do.
Q - What is craziest request you've had from a fan/client?
A - I once wrote on a print, purchased by some grandparents for their grandson, "Happy Birthday! Love, Grandma and Grandpa."
Q - Have any crazy fan stories?
A - A ton. Maybe we can get a beer some time and I'll fill you in. ;)
Q - Can you give us any hints of any prints you'll be dropping soon??
A - I wish I could. ;)
We have to say a big thanks to Joshua for taking the time to answer our questions.
You can read more about Joshua and see his other works on his website
There is a page on his website specifically for this Fringe print - Click Here
You can also follow him on Twitter - @jbudich
Great interview!
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