PLUS: 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1' gets big nods on movie side
by MICHAEL HINMAN, Posted Jun-10-2011
Source: Airlock Alpha
It's summer time, and that means only one thing. It's time for the Porties!
Airlock Alpha announces the 2011 Portal Award nominees, with 15 television shows, five movies and some of the biggest names in the genre competing for a spot in the winner's circle of the 12th installment of the awards.
Leading the way are both a newcomer and a fan favorite: HBO's "Game of Thrones" and Fox's "Fringe." Both received seven nominations, including Best Series/Television.
Fans will have a chance to choose from each category once per day for 30 days beginning June 25 right here at Airlock Alpha.
The Portal Awards, formerly known as the SyFy Genre Awards, were first handed out in 1999, and have since attracted hundreds of thousands of ballots from genre fans from all over the world.
Here are this year's nominees:
BEST ACTOR/Television
Sean Bean, "Game of Thrones"
Joshua Jackson, "Fringe"
Andrew Lincoln, "Walking Dead"
Eddie McClintock, "Warehouse 13"
Matt Smith, "Doctor Who"
Karen Gillan, "Doctor Who"
Summer Glau, "The Cape"
Lena Headey, "Game of Thrones"
Paula Malcomson, "Caprica"
Anna Torv, "Fringe"
David Blue, "Stargate: Universe"
Robert Carlyle, "Stargate: Universe"
Peter Dinklage, "Game of Thrones"
John Noble, "Fringe"
Saul Rubinek, "Warehouse 13"
Morena Baccarin, "V"
Jane Badler, "V"
Alaina Huffman, "Stargate: Universe"
Allison Scagliotti, "Warehouse 13"
Polly Walker, "Caprica"
Apotheosis, "Caprica"
The Doctor's Wife, "Doctor Who"
Epilogue, "Stargate: Universe"
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, "Fringe"
Winter Is Coming, "Game of Thrones"
BEST SERIES/Television
Doctor Who
Game of Thrones
Stargate: Universe
The Walking Dead
The Adjustment Bureau
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
Tron: Legacy
Leonardo DiCaprio, "Inception"
Ralph Fiennes, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1"
Rupert Grint, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1"
Chris Hemsworth, "Thor"
Daniel Radcliffe, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1"
Emily Blunt, "The Adjustment Bureau"
Helena Bonham Carter, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1"
Ellen Page, "Inception"
Natalie Portman, "Thor"
Emma Watson, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1"
J.J. Abrams
Rick Berman
Gene L. Coon
Elisabeth Sladen
H.G. Wells
Babylon 5
Battlestar Galactica (original)
Quantum Leap
Space: 1999
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Michael Gambon, "A Christmas Carol," Doctor Who
Alex Kingston, "Day of the Moon," Doctor Who
Christopher Lloyd, "The Firefly," Fringe
Leonard Nimoy, "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide," Fringe
Michael Rosenbaum, "Finale," Smallville
Isaac Hempstead-Wright, "Game of Thrones"
Chloe Moretz, "Let Me In"
Daniel Radcliffe, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1"
Alessandra Torresani, "Caprica"
Maisie Williams, "Game of Thrones"
Dark Horizons
Wonderful to see Anna Torv listed, and it is especially nice to see Joshua Jackson and John Noble added to this list-not to mention Christopher Lloyd and Leonard Nimoy for their guest performances.
Congratulations to Fringe for their 7 Portal Awards nominations!
Too bad the portal awards will be the only "praise" Josh will ever get on this crappy show.
Please, Patty, stop already!
More recognition for the show! I love it. I've read Joshua Jackson is going to announce the Emmy nominees. I'm trying not to read too much into this, but I hope Fringe gets nominated.
7 Nominations is awesome. Can't wait to vote. Told all my Fringies at work about it. I think it's great that Josh gets to announce the nominees for the Emmy's. My heart silently hopes for Fringe as well.
Does the public actually get to vote??
Why do you watch the show when you think it`s crappy?
And btw. you can`t blame Anna Torv or John Noble for being praised by the press. The press is small-minded not fans. Personally I don`t need to know that some actor is good because he won an Emmy or something. I have my own opinion and so do most of the Fringe fans.
If you still wanna be as small-minded as the press is...then don`t blame the show, actors, writers etc., but blame the critics who overlook Joshua Jackson.
Yes, the fans get to vote, once a day, starting 25 June for 30 days. If you finish reading the article it takes you to the Airlock Alpha site. Once the polls are open it will give you an option: vote here!
At least that's how it was last year.
trent and cortexifan,
Thanks for reminding me about Josh Jackson announcing the Emmys. Now posted.
That's a good news , but .. really am talking seriously now : how com that John Noble is a support actor and Josh Jackson is lead actor ? I mean .. don't get me wrong .. But I think that John is the lead actor in Fringe not Josh .
What ever ... the most important thing is Fringe will get some awards :D
Real1, both are lead actors. Unfortunately, you have this tendency to put Joshua Jackson down everywhere to provoke Patty (kate here) or simply because you hate him. However, you should have noticed by now that Joshua Jackson is second in the titles of every episode. That's not nice.
Joshua Jackson and John Noble submitted themselves as supporting actors for the Emmys, because they have more chances in that category, but in the show they are leads.
Trent ,
Never , am not hating any one on earth , and yes i sometimes have this tendency to provoke one poster BUT totally am not on everywhere saying any thing about Josh as a person , he is a charm man in my eyes , any way , I was really serious about my question simply as that . :)
"i sometimes have this tendency to provoke one poster"
I knew it!
Yeah real1 doesn't like anybody who isn't as perfect, enchanting as Anna/Olivia is so she looks down on them.
Anon June 17, 2011 4:38 PM ,
How possibly you can figure out which i like or not like ? .. reading mind ? but I guess you could not read my mind .. i have a immune for that :P , and no one is perfect ... the perfection is a very complicated issue if you ask me .. cuz every one will feel he/she is perfect , any way , that's not what we are talking about , I believe that the fans should separate the character from actor/actress , and also the character is fictional the writers are the ones which they created them , so the character = black and white , the actor/actress = the color which can revive these characters .
and here we have something else .. what's the range to say that this actor/actress can act or not , if these actor/actress is amazing in acting or not ? ... because the story is something and the acting is something else , it's not necessary that for example the story is weak but the acting is amazing , it's not necessary to be beautiful but the one can't acting , it's not necessary to look good so that means it deserve a award , it's not working like that .
So many actors/actress were doing amazing jobs but they didn't get any thing .. , I am surprised that Brown Blair for example , she is doing amazing job with Nina sharp , the actress is very strong in her acting and no one is saying any thing about her act or even mention it , in "24" Pr.Taylor was acted by Cherry Jones , she got emmys for her act not for being a Pr. at 24 . and i can see Blair as Cherry , she deserve a emmys for her acting .
The awards for actors/actress is not for the story it's for the acting .
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