Emmys need not worry about the Critics' Choice Television Awards, but some creative nominations do arise.
9:00 AM 6/6/2011 by Tim Goodman
If you’re thinking that what the world needs now is another awards show, then perhaps you’re a member of the newly formed Broadcast Television Journalists Association, which whipped itself together recently and decided to hold an awards show this month to get a jump on a slightly bigger gathering called the Emmys.
The Broadcast Television Journalists Association (BTJA) is an off-shoot of the Broadcast Film Critics Association and centers mostly on “those who regularly cover television for TV viewers,” meaning these are people you see on TV fawning over – or maybe that’s called covering – people who are on television series. People covering television shows on television don’t seem to do much serious criticism, but the group did decide to add some people who cover television online and, in a nice coup, also got respected critic Matt Roush from TV Guide Magazine.
The new group’s nominees, announced today, show some progressively clever improvements over traditional Emmy nominees but also a few stupefying decisions and omissions.
The group has 10 nominees in both the best drama and best comedy category, something the Emmys should seriously consider. There are six nominees in the acting categories, three reality categories (series, competition, host) a “talk show” category that includes daytime entrees, no writing or directing categories and no movies, miniseries, specials or documentaries.
So at least it should be a lot shorter than the Emmys.
The 10 best drama nominees are Boardwalk Empire, Dexter, Friday Night Lights, Fringe, Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Justified, The Killing, Mad Men and The Walking Dead.That’s a pretty strong list if you’re nominating 10 and, despite the egregious omission of Treme, plus the worthy trio of Men Of A Certain Age, Lights Outand Southland, there’s not much to quibble with.
Read the rest of the article here:hollywoodreporter.com
Use the link to see all the nominations:Critics' Choice Television Awards Nominations
It's about time Fringe gets some recognition. All the best for them.
And Fringe just won Best Series and Anna Torv Best Actress in Italy at the Horror and Syfy Awards.
Emmy's are next!
Fringe Rocks!
Sad for Joshua Jackson. Poor guy can never get any respect for this show.
Joshua Jackson can never get any respect for this show, because he never gets it from this show. It's not surprising that he's so underrated by everyone. When minor characters get more and better storylines than one of the leads, you know there is something very wrong. That poor guy has played a tertiary character since the beginning of the show and now they made his character disappear.
Anyway, I wish the nominees good luck. I hope they get all the awards, but if it can only be one, I hope John Noble gets it. It's about time his talent got recognized.
Trent What do you mean When miner characters get more and better story lines, who are you calling miner, Anna/Olivia? or John/Walter? their only ones getting better story lines then him, and sense you seem to be for John Noble I am guessing your another Anna Torv hater, talk about someone not being able to catch a break,it seems like because Anna's female some people who watch Fringe don't think she has the right to even be on the show, much less be thought of as THE LEAD CHARACTER not a MINER one,I have nothing against Josh, but he isn't my favorite actor on Fringe, I wasn't a Dawsons Creek watcher, so I am not a Josh girlie fan, I had seen him in Skulls years ago and thought he was good in it, but he wasn't anyone special to me as a actor,until Fringe, and even though I would miss him on the show if he wasn't on it anymore I could live without him easier then Anna/Olivia, or John/Walter, but especially Anna/Olivia, because if you take her out Fringe would be just another testosterone filled show like most crime,science Fiction,or even Drama, most of the ones fawning after Josh are girls who think he's cute, who couldn't care whether he can act or not, or guys who are gay and think the above too, or guys who can't watch Science Fiction with a female in the lead,I started watching Fringe because the show looked good,not because the actors were cute, if non of them could act, I would not be watching it sense the pilot,but luckily everyone on the show are great, top notch, some sure are better then others, but they are all better then more then half of the actors on TV right now, anyway, I am sure Fringe wont win here ether, and nether will any of the actors, maybe some foreign awards will but not any in this country!
Way to make assumptions, Anonymous! Thanks for for making a strawman and attacking it so thoroughly, I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for insulting Joshua's fans, girls and gays, who apparently can't like him, because he's a talented actor. No, you have to attack their intelligence while you cloak your own preferences in lofty causes like feminism.
Read my message again and try to find, where I name Olivia as a minor character. Let me make it easier for you. You won't. It's not my problem if you're paranoid and you see attacks on Anna Torv and on Olivia, when there is none. When I say minor characters, I mean MINOR characters, don't tell me, what I mean, thanks.
I don't care why you watch the show. Far be it from me to attack you and question your intelligence for it. It would be amazing if you extended the same courtesy to others. Maybe they don't watch for the "testosterone" and other hormones, whether they have a preference for 1 or 2 male characters, okay?
Oh, and just because you have mentioned it. I don't know Joshua's past work, I think he's great in Fringe. You see? It's perfectly possible to express your liking for an actor, without demeaning another one, just to highlight how much better the former is.
Ok guys. I get that you are upset about Joshua Jackson being discluded, but isn't it more important that Fringe gets the recognition it deserves? I LOVE Joshua Jackson and think he has been excellent this past season. But remember Anna is the leading actress and she deserves every recognition she can get for her outstanding work. John Noble has also been an amazing actor especially this season. He can make me laugh, cry, and learn all in 43 minutes. Let's just celebrate that they are getting some recognition.
It's not about Anna being the lead nor about john noble being this great actor, its about Joshua Jackson NEVER getting any chances in a decent storyline and the fact that his character was messed up all because of Olivia
It doesnt help he didn't have a darn double to play. Stupid writers.
Who does anyone really think they're convincing anyway that your particular favorite character is better? Certainly not me! Pointless discussions. Like my mom always told me if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it all all. (Thanks mom!)
Its great that you're all passionate about who you like, but why do you care so much about them getting an award? I think it would be a better award if your favorite actor would read a positive comment from a fan about them without some negative comment about the person or people they work closely with. Then they could feel better about going to work the next day and actually like your comments about them instead of glossing over them because its uncomfortable to read.
I just don't get all this battle of "character A gets slighted for character B" stuff. They are all great in their own ways, awards shows be d@mned they all deserve recognition for doing their part in this amazing team that works on this show.
JMO stories shouldn't be written to favor characters anyway as their primary goal, they should be written to present amazing insightful compelling stories, which Fringe does every show they air. The characters are the means to that end.
And yes, I think Josh Jackson's acting is wonderful, often misunderstood because its so subtle, but great. But I'm not willing to discount the talents of Anna Torv and John Noble in saying so, because they all 3 act as a team and build on each other to portray these characters.
g33k... I think most Fringe fans agree with you.
Let me put it this way, I'm happy about the nominations and I hope they get all the awards, because they deserve them. That was in my first post. My point was that main characters should get main character material. There are 3 main characters: Olivia, Peter and Walter (see, anonymous? I know Olivia is a main character). The writers have done a great job with Walter and Olivia. Not always and not consistently, but you can always feel they try, they care about those two. Not so with Peter, all the lazy writing and the weakest material is thrown at him. They established him as a street smart genius misfit, but they have gone out of their way to destroy that characterization by making him a drooling moron for half of S3. Then he became a murderous psychopath for no reason whatsoever, a plot that got suddenly dropped and forgotten. The previous two seasons weren't much better, either. It is not that Josh is not playing a double, the writers established Peter as unique (and now not even that, heh) and I don't think the producers should bring in an alternate Peter just to make Josh's fans happy. The issue here is that they cannot write for 1 Peter, imagine if there were 2. I don't understand how keeping honest criticism from anyone involved in the show is something desirable. I don't really care that much for nominations and awards, I don't need them to inform me on good shows or on good acting. The upsetting thing is that, in this case, there is good reason for a good actor like Josh Jackson to be underrated, which is what I was trying to explain to Gigglymeelmo. It's just an opinion and you're very welcome to disagree.
"The writers have done a great job with Walter and Olivia. Not always and not consistently, but you can always feel they try, they care about those two. Not so with Peter, all the lazy writing and the weakest material is thrown at him"
So why should I celebrate John and Anna's nominations?
The funny thing is that I thought that every character has got its role in the story. It didn`t matter to me how much space is given to a specific actor and I don`t give a crap about it now. The story is the important part. The characters are what they are and I`ve never questioned it. I`ve never felt Peter is just a side-kick for Olivia and Walter. I`ve always seen him as an equal to them. And that`s because he`s unique somehow in the whole story and that`s what makes him very interesting to me.
g33k up here said that "Josh Jackson's acting is wonderful, often misunderstood because its so subtle, but great" - so true.
When I watch Fringe or any other TV show, I try to understand what the story is and how the characters fit into it.
Some people can say that Astrid should get more space, or Nina. But the story is important and Peter is very important to the story.
The funniest thing is that I watch the show I think everything is so awesome and then I go here or spoilertv or official fringe forum on fox and people are frustrated about Josh Jackson being just a side-kick for Olivia and Walter. If Josh Jackson didn`t like the way story evolves for him, he`d quit. Simple as that.
Bluesboy, sorry but do you honestly think, in this economy, that josh would quit his job? It's not like he has all these jobs lined up for him. In other words, he has no choice but to stay.
Well right now he`s somewhere filming a Stephen Frears movie Lay the Favorite so obviously he`s not without job. And btw he didn`t want to come to Fringe in the first place because he didn`t want to star in another TV show. Alex Kurzman and Roberto Orci convinced him.
Avatar was filmed in this screwed up economy and it was the most expensive movie of all time (forgive me if I`m wrong). And it earned more than a bilion dolars. When this can happen don`t tell me anything about this screwed up economy.
But on the other hand you might be right - I`ve never seen Josh Jackson in a decent movie. Not his fault but that`s just a fact. I hope this new movie he`s filming is gonna be better.
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