United States Of Fringe: Map from "Over There" ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

United States Of Fringe: Map from "Over There"

      Email Post       5/22/2010 01:16:00 PM      

In the Fringe episode "The Man From The Other Side", we saw some video from "over there", in which a US flag with only 48 stars was shown. In "Over There, Part 2", we can see a map that shows what the differences are here are there. It appears in the alternate universe:
  • Washington is called Southern British Colombia
  • California is missing half of the state (perhaps because of the "big one")
  • Nevada is called Independent Nevada
  • Texas is divided into North and South Texas (+1)
  • North and South Dakota are combined into one Dakota (-1)
  • Kansas and Oklahoma are combined into one Midland (-1)
  • Louisiana is called Louisiana Territory
  • Michigan is missing its upper half
  • North and South Carolina are combined into one Carolina (-1)
  • Virginia and West Virginia are combined into one District of Virginia  (-1)
Based on the pluses and minuses, that would give us 47 states, assuming we count Hawaii and Alaska.

UPDATE: Here is a high-res version of the map:


Bruno said...

Isn't there a missing part in Michigan too?

Fortran said...

Yeah, looks like the UP is Canadian...or British...or French. Don't really know who runs it in Alterna-verse.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

oklahoma and kansas look like one state

Poet said...

Hmmm, weren't there 48 stars on a flag from the alternate universe? Perhaps Puerto Rico joined up.

Will said...

Oh my, it looks like Orlando was quarantined. No wonder everyone over there seems so serious, no Disney World! :D Derp.

Unknown said...

At beginning of Over There, Pt 1, the soldier's arm patch shows what appears to be 50 stars.

ParisD said...

Thanks for posting the hi-res version! I'm also looking for a hi-res of the poster given to olivia by the observer. Any ideas where I might find one?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Rhode Island is missing...poor tiny state :P And does anyone know what the blue represents? A fringe event that wasn't quarantined?

Dennis said...

Rhode Island is there, it's just hard to see because it is so small.

I think you are right about the colors: Blue is a fringe event, and red is a quarantined area

The White Knight said...

I theorize that, in the altaverse,half of California was "tumbled into the sea" by "The Big One" quake which in our universe was the San Francisco Earthquake of the early 1900's.

bardgal said...

California's appearance is what would happen if there was a HUGE EQ along the San Andreas. Notice where SFO bay is (southern central coast.) The eastern side of the fault line travels south, and the western side travels north (underwater.)

Romulus said...

The on-screen computer maps at the beginning of the episode -- while the Fringe Division is tracking down the rift -- show a normal Carolinas and West Virginia, etc. So a bit of discontinuity there. Also the US flags in the show look the same as ours -- the 20+30 interposed grids of stars.

Also no one seems to have mentioned it yet, but the real US DOD seal is the eagle clutching three arrows with the US shield on its chest, no swords. Also the real seal has 13 stars in a glory at top, and two tied-together olive brances at the bottom. Whereas in the alternate universe, there is no eagle, and there are 11 stars at both the top and bottom. (Why 11/22?)

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice Midland? I'm pretty sure that's Oklahoma and Kansas combined so that's another -1. So 46 states?

Anonymous said...

If you mean "when will California break off the continent and sink the ocean floor," the answer is "never." The sea, you see, is only about two miles deep. California is about twenty miles thick.

Anonymous said...

As to the California coast- It could just be an independent nation. They don't show Canada or Mexico.

Unknown said...

Unlikely that the missing CA is another country, as the border is irregular, which usually implies geographic division vs. political. Since there is no river running up the middle of CA...

Owen Ripley said...

Im guessing Twilight was never written, or it takes place in forks,Southern British Columbia lmao

Anonymous said...

The California coast line is not the result of an earthquake. That's just how the continent formed. If the coast "fell into the ocean," which is geologically impossible anyways since land doesn't just hang over the ocean for it to "fall into," then the SF bay wouldn't exist at all, and yet it does, just smushed inland. That has to be the natural coastline of the North American continent in that universe. That's just the only answer that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

All the North Western states extend further north. And geologically it wouldn't make sense for the UP to be part of Canada. It should be part of Wisconsin. Also the lower peninsula just north of Detroit has a peninsula on it or extends into Canada?. That District of Virginia sounds like a good idea, eh?

Dennis said...

Anonymous said: "That has to be the natural coastline of the North American continent in that universe. That's just the only answer that makes sense."

They wouldn't have bothered to change the map simply because it grew that way. If you look at an actual map of California, you will notice the San Francisco bay is MUCH farther north than on this map (but it is still the same shape and size). To me, it suggests a massive plate shift due to a Megathrust Earthquake.

Other Anonymous said: "All the North Western states extend further north. And geologically it wouldn't make sense for the UP to be part of Canada."

No, It just looks that way because this map is flat. If you compare it to a real map that is flat, all the northern states have the same border, except for the upper part of Michigan which is "missing".

R. Porter said...

Texas when it came in to the Union had treaty rites to be subdevided stated if it so chose. It did not. I don't know if this is true or urban legend but it look this way on this map.

Anonymous said...

I think California looks the way it does from the way the continents formed when Pangea broke up. The missing part of California is part of another continent.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out the other states in the alternate universe. There were 48 stars on the flag, but the map only shows 45. I'm guessing...maybe Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico are also states? Why wouldn't they be shown with the other states?

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out the other states in the alternate universe. There were 48 stars on the flag, but the map only shows 45. I'm guessing...maybe Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico are also states? Why wouldn't they be shown with the other states?

- James

bigben11112000 said...

Did anyone notice that the boundry line between the U.S and Canada is slightly south of where it should be. It makes Washington state smaller.

bigben11112000 said...

Did anyone notice that there are only two Great Lakes. The one to the right is enormous.

Unknown said...

Of course, you can always check another source: http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/8/2011/06/fringe_watermark.jpg Turns out that Mexico still holds a good chunk of California.

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