Fringe Red Title Sequence From Alternate Universe
By Dennis Email Post 5/16/2010 08:08:00 AM Categories: Fringe, Season 2, Video
Here is the red "alternate universe" Fringe title sequence. Besides the obvious fact that everything is red, there is at least one fringe science element that is different - something called "First People".
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i think it's just bullshit about them
i'm guessng it's linked to the "red" visions Olivia had in "Momentum Deferred...
I find hypnosis and genetic engineering really interesting, myself.
I get the feeling that it's showing what is considered "fringe" science to the other universe. So they've figured out how to save victims charred to a crisp, but not hypnotizing people or making glowy rabbits. xD
I believe that the weapon we see in this episode are the following keywords:
By this I mean that the purpose of this is to use the awareness of Peter to fill the consciousness of every person on the other side (telepathy) with the intention of escaping to another world (time) it is certain of where they arrive, their inhabitants will be destroyed ....
GM from Argentina
I'm convinced that "First people" is related to Walter's comment on how humanity had "superpowers" in ancient times, that were later blocked off (by aliens? ...I'd say by the Observers). And I'm willing to bet that this will be one of the themes of Season 3!
The alternate "red" sequence's fringe keywords are actually all the same as the normal "blue" sequence for the second season, except for the replacement of "parallel universes" with "first people".
(The first season had entirely different keywords, of course. The 2nd season episode "Unearthed" also used the 1st season sequence, since it was chronologically supposed to air during the 1st season.)
I didn't see the 'Observers are here' flash like in the normal opening. Am I just crazy and it's there? Or is that another subtle change from the normal opening to the red one that we had this recent episode.
The "Observers Are Here" message is still there. See the screenshots at
another term for first people i think could be "origins of species". youtube it and you'll see/hear some interesting things on the Sumerians
It occured to me that First People referred to our universe, an answer to the question (asked in the episode if I remember right) "which universe was first," and that the notion that there were "first people" from a "first universe" was fringe science in the second (i.e. alternate to ours) universe.
One thing that has troubled me is that they keep talking about THE alternate universe, as if there are only two universes. I'm not aware of many theories of binary parallel universism. There are simply too many possible outcomes in historic events IMO for two alternate universes to suffice. Why only two? Is this or will this ever be answered?
The creators of the show said we will only dealing with two universes, or it would get too confusing.
"First People" is a phrase used in the works of horror writer Manly Wade Wellman. He had a name for them, The Shonokins. They were evil and had special powers.
"First People" = Observers ?
I don't think it can be the Observers, since the "Observers Are Here" message is still there in the Alternate Universe.
Walternate described us as "monsters in our skin". Maybe based on what Lohrm said, someone "evil and having special powers", it may be their term for us.
However, I'm really leaning towards another theory. The army of shape shifters were referred to by William Bell as the "First Wave", so maybe an individual shape shifter is called a "First Person"?
I have had a running therory regarding the Observers and the relation to the Hollow Earth Theory. Many clues have already pointed to this possible origin for the Observers (spiral drill/missile, 'hollow earth' on the bookshelf, general description of an observer, etc). Research on the subject goes in alot of directions but one branch is the theory that the first earth inhabitants are now dwellers inside the earth. Also, as some of you mentioned, they were gifted in ways we are not. Powers, mental abilities, etc.
I think Bell's refrence to "what walter was becoming" is also a refrence to first people, and how they were apparently "evil"
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