Happy Fringe Friday!
ACTIONS HAVE TERRIFYING CONSEQUENCESDuring tonight's episode, help promote Fringe by tweeting about the episode using this week's hashmark #FarFromNormal (Wait until 8pm, and don't use any other #hashtags! - plus please add the word Fringe (without a #) into your tweet.)
As the countdown to the climactic series finale continues, the Fringe team is running out of time to save the world. As Peter, Olivia, Astrid and Walter scramble to tap into a key piece of the puzzle to defeat the Observers, they enlist the aid of Nina Sharp who conjures up a plan.
While you are on Twitter, keep your eye out for live tweeting by:
- Fringe editor Ari Margolis (@jonxproductions)
- Fringe executive producer Joel Wyman (@jwfringe)
- Plus other fringe cast and crew???
After the episode airs, continue the discussion here in the comments, and get more Fringe information at the:
- Episode page on Fringepedia
- Transcript on Fringepedia
- Screenshot gallery at FringeFiles
- Promotional photos at FringeFiles
I, after I stand on my supposition that the Donald was a character only as a "question mark", almost as if he were a kind of character in a style of an "urban legend" of Fringe, the current scripts and narratives I could not help but admit now that after watching the end of this beautiful episode 510, I was wrong. I'd say it was totally mistaken, because we now know that in fact, the Donald is really the Observer September! And the consequence of this error of my assumption was, exactly, that I did not take sufficiently into account the high quality and the fantastic scripts notorious unpredictability of Fringe! But that's it, always Fringe shows us an incredible, and thoughtless, surprise episode after episode.
This solid and great episode "Anomaly XB-6783746", before clarifying, who was the Donald, appeared surprising, self-sacrifice of Nina. Then this character, is that I came to surprise by this selfless act had left her own, the mysterious and powerful Nina Sharp! The "indecipherable" Nina always seemed to be a person more inclined to the side of bad boys, than to the side of good boys. This is due to my surprise she always appear to be a mysterious character, calculating, dry, with little emotion, and also with attitudes suspicion as that of applying some secret injections in Olivia, his customary dark in Dynamic relationships, connections with the shapeshifters, and so on. And now I, dumbfounded and awestruck, see Nina, simply take your own life, for the sake of a greater good?! That yes, that was a big surprise for me, no doubt. I expected all of Nina least she had an attitude like that selfless and courageous to take his own life, to protect his comrades. I expected everything to Nina, even less so, but ... It is Fringe, so ... Until Nina became a hero in the implacable universes of Fringe, who would guess that, huh?
Finally, despite my misunderstanding about who was the Donald, I follow with the strong impression that Fringe will have its final scenes, being experienced at the present time, 2012 ~ 2015, all alive, little Etta, Olivia, Peter, Walter, Astrid, Nina ... Yes it is a mere guess my difficult to happen, but when it comes to Fringe ...
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