Anna Torv and Mark Valley Got Married! ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Anna Torv and Mark Valley Got Married!

      Email Post       2/02/2009 01:52:00 PM      

The LA Times is reporting that Fringe stars Anna Torv and Mark Valley got married over the holidays, and recently made their announcement to the cast and crew. Anna's character Olivia Dunham was secretly dating her FBI coworker John Scott (played by Mark) who had even bought her an engagement ring before he was killed.

Mark had this to say about Anna at the recent conference call:
Q: You work most with Anna. What do you think of her as an actor and as a person?

A: I think she's just a fantastic actor, and I really like working with her, because she has such a solid idea of what's going on in a scene and what her objective is and what she's going to do. Yes, I've enjoyed working with her, and as a person, she's just delightful.
Congratulations and best wishes Anna and Mark!

UPDATE: Note the wedding ring in this recent TV Guide interview!

UPDATE 2: I have confirmed though my inside source that this story is true.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they make a pretty hot couple. congrats to them if it's true.

Anonymous said...

MIND. FRAKING. BLOWN. That was totally random.

tallone said...

Wow! Well best wishes to them.

miserability said...

Well that was.. random. They're cute together though. :) (Sadly I like Peter/Liv but you can't have it all can you? xD)

Capcom said...

Aw, that's nice news. :-)

StillWatching said...

That's neat. Congratulations to them.

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