Fringe Episode 114: Ability ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Episode 114: Ability

      Email Post       2/10/2009 09:00:00 PM      

German agents question Olivia about her "relationship" with David Robert Jones, an escaped prisoner questioned months earlier now living in the U.S. Meanwhile, the Fringe Division investigates a threatening case where victims die faceless from their orifices suddenly sealing...

Which Guest Character would you like to see become a Recurring Character?

Akim Tess Amaral Lucas Vogel


Anonymous said...

What's so significant with the akward "Y" at the end of abilit"y" ?

Anonymous said...

Typewriters keys have the equivalent of a fingerprint. Its the same "y" that was typed into the manuscript. :O Dr. Bishop wrote CFT.

sdhar23 said...

Umm you mean ZFT not CFT.

Anonymous said...

Well, either Dr. Bishop or William Bell. They both worked in the same lab.

Anonymous said...

other what about the guy on the far right he is always on the show as a none speaking role

Anonymous said...

other what about some one who speaks spanish

Count Screwloose said...

Other: David Esterbrook.

Eric said...

Anyone know when in April it's coming back?

Anonymous said...

its not coming back until April??

David said...

Observer was here:

Jay said...

It's coming back April 7th.

ICEMAN said...

i pretty sure william bell ( walters partner) wrote the ZFT, when i saw him type the "y" i was lyk OMG!

Anonymous said...

The only thing more wooden than the dialog and acting in this clip is the plot. Oh, I created a teleportation machine that allows time travel... I didn't mention that?

Good production values, but wow that dialog is stilted.

tallone said...

I still wonder if Bishop and Bell are one in the same. Walter seemed way too interested in the ZFT text. Is he jogging his memory? Also the thing at the end about Olivia that she may have been part of the drug trial while living in Florida is interesting.

Stormhierta said...

Walter Bishop (WB) and William Bell (WB) were working in the same lab, doing most of the same things. Massive Dynamics is copying much of "Walters" research. Walter has already aluded to the fact that his son was created and/or cloned. It seems reasonable and logical to assume that WB is, if not one and the same, clones. We have so far NEVER seen William Bell in person - remember?

It also seems plausible that the very reason that Walter went insane is because he has realized that the world is speeding towards destruction, most probably because of him and him alone. His clone (cloned so that WB had someone equally brilliant to discuss with, just as he cloned a son to have someone to raise) on the other hand reacted by preparing for the coming war (ie Massive Dynamics).

The Observer is either an extra-dimensional, or in truth, an Observer from some other form of advanced civilisation or human organisation that knows of the coming doom.

Dennis said...

Walter has already aluded to the fact that his son was created and/or cloned.

Walter didn't allude that Peter was a clone - only that "something" had been done to him. We already know that Walter experimented on him, but I don't think it's reasonable to think that "Peter is a Clone" would have been in his medical records. It's more likely that he got Cortexiphan© when he was very young, like Olivia, which would explain his very high IQ.

We have so far NEVER seen William Bell in person - remember?

I've said this before, but just because WE haven't seen Walter Bell yet (except in the Fringe comics), doesn't mean that EVERYONE in the show doesn't know what he looks like. He's the CEO of one of the largest corporation in the world. There's never been a mention that no one has ever seen him.

It also seems plausible that the very reason that Walter went insane...

I believe Walter's insanity was a coverup, and he was stashed away in St. Claires by Bell. Of course, 17 years in a mental institution would eventually make you nutty.

Sherry said...

does anyone else think that maybe oliva did not turn out the lights on the device by herself or at all...the lights did not start going out until Peter came back...perhaps a combined effort?

caz963 said...

Some interesting theories here. I subscribe to the one that Walter actually wrote the ZFT document.

Also - what exactly is happening to Jones?

All along I guess we were supposed to assume he was dying as a result of his teleportation, but it seems not. What has he become?

pher said...

Jones has become the Hulk judging by the hole in the hospital wall.

Dennis said...

...or a giant MBP (ManBearPorcupine)

Anonymous said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

Intersting observation Sherry. Maybe Peter is more than meets the eye...

Anonymous said...

I have seen enough hints to deduce that Jones is actually Olivia's father.

Apollo said...

Am I missing something? When is the next episode being aired? I think it's "Inner Child".

Dennis said...

The next new episode of Fringe will be April 7th.

There may be some repeats between now and then, but next week is a 2-hour American Idol, and the week after is some presidential address...

Mad Hatter said...

I just discover that William Bell was a 14th century Bishop.
So i deduce that probably William Bell and Walter Bishop are the same person or maybe one is the clone... but i think that the right question is who was the originary person that was cloned??

Dennis said...

That's an interesting find!

However, we have seen in the Fringe comics that Bell and Bishop are two different people.

I also think it's very unlikely that Bell and Bishop are clones... you have to consider the fact that Walter is around 60 years old, which means he was born around 1949. The first reported cloning, of a tadpole, was in 1952 - 3 years later. The first cloned mammal, a mouse, wasn't created until 1986 - 37 years later...

Plus, remember the fact that William Bell founded Massive Dynamic in 1992, while Walter was was locked up at St. Claires.

JoeY said...

Sherry - I was thinking a similar thing. I actually think that Peter alone turned the lights out.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that when Walter went back to St. Clair's to talk to the mathematician about his formula, that there were two Walters. (yeti)

Drew said...

did anyone notice that when the newstand man was bouncing around people while afflicted he bumped into the observer?

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