Fringe Sneak Peek 306 "6955 kHZ" ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Sneak Peek 306 "6955 kHZ"

      Email Post       11/05/2010 06:57:00 PM      

Fox has released the first sneak peek for next week episode... Enjoy!


fringeobsessed said...

Is it me or do they feel here like two parents discussing their son's actions? I have posited since Season I that Nina is somehow Peter's biological mother. It seems a distant possibility but I really believe she is.

JuliDG said...

Wow that could be true, maybe :)

Unknown said...

That would be awesome if it's true!

Dennis said...

We have already seen Peter's real mom, so it's probably more likely that Nina and Walter spent a lot of time together in the lab when Peter was very young (experimenting on Peter?), so she was more like a step-mom or a godmother.

I would think Nina had feelings for Walter back then, but he got married and had Peter, so she ended up with William Bell.

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