Fringe Episode 304: Do Shapeshifters Dream Of Electric Sheep?
By Dennis Email Post 10/14/2010 03:27:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Season 3
Newton, concerned about the consequences of a distressing development involving a high-ranking official, is forced to call to action a sleeping shapeshifter. As Walter and the rest of the team gather evidence, they move the investigation to Massive Dynamic, where Olivia goes on high alert and Walter finds himself in a perilous situation
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No more fringe till Nov 4?! And only four episodes into the season. They are evil.
Also, things are going to get very awkward for Peter very soon.
Wait... that wasn't the right Olivia? Oh SH*----
Blame Baseball for the wait until November 4 (or later) for the next Fringe Episode. Until then, the Division Playoffs will occupy Fringe's Time Slot.
great episode , I don't like altOlivia ! and Peter !!
Just curious, have there been any "Observer" sightings this season? Nobody's mentioned anything about them.
OK, I found them under the Easter eggs section.....
I'm sure Peter knows that she's the "other" Olivia".
It will be difficult to wait all this days before the next expisode.
Question: Why was the family-man shapeshifter able to stay in a single body for five years when the Charlie Francis shapeshifter got sick after a couple of days?
Hey I just spent the past two weeks watching Series 1 & 2. I am so disappointed that it is not in the UK yet. You guys are so lucky - please keep watching so that it does not get axed. :)
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