Fringe Viral Marketing in Germany ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Viral Marketing in Germany

      Email Post       3/18/2009 11:56:00 AM      

German television station Pro7 (ProSieben) began showing Fringe last week, and to promote the show, they aired these fake news stories featuring scenes from The Same Old Story and The Dreamscape. Apparently, some people in Germany were offended, since they are not used to that type of viral marketing over there.

UPDATE: Here are transcripts of the two videos, translated to English by Kosmopol!

A fascinating and cruel phenomenon was experienced by an midwife and two medical specialists in the birth room of a New York clinic yesterday. After they had delivered the freshly born baby, they witnesses the newborn rapidly age. A colleague was able to catch these terrible scenes with a camera. The body of the new-born grew so quickly that it was able to be born only through a need of a Cesarean section. Its body soon became the size of a fully grown man. The head of the clinic explained they were not clear yet whether it would due to a genetic defect or a rare illness. It's clear that this was an unprecedented medical case, and medical and science specialists were informed. The debate on this highly mysterious case continues. On March 16th, a special unit will be assembled, and will investigate this phenomenon. You learn more information about these unusual events after the News and exclusively on PRO7.

It happened at a US research center in NY. After a meeting of Massive Dynamic employees, a 43 years old man was attacked in the office building by butterfly-like insects and was injured. As his colleagues were about to help him, he was assaulted by an entire swarm of butterflies. Another colleague made these recordings with his mobile phone. According to witness testimony the man was injured so strongly with facial cuts that he had to be hospitalized. The man is seriously injured and in shock and could not report about this incident yet. One of the aggressive animals was caught and will be examined. The debate on this highly mysterious case continues. On March 16th, a special unit will be assembled, and will investigate this phenomenon. You learn more information about these unusual events after the News and exclusively on PRO7.
[source: Kosmopol, video: worldofpromises0, ASiMAlMassiva]


Anonymous said...

its called ProSIEBEN sieben is seven ;)

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