We've come a long way since our first post, and there's a lot more in store. We're working on a new look, new features, and we'll be bringing you exclusive interviews with the Fringe cast and crew.
As the last six episodes of the season get closer, the excitement is building. The chances of Fringe getting a second season look good, so we look forward to celebrating birthday number two.
A big, big thanks to you, the fans, for making it worthwhile!
Yeah! Thanks to you,guys, for bringing this site to life!
A great resource for FRINGE fans!
Happy birthday!!! This is quite a site you've got here. :)
Happy Birfday FT!
Fringe is a bit old isn't it?
Are people at all upset that this show is inconsistently shown?
I'm very upset that Fringe quality of storytelling and no resolved open cliffhangers.
Thanks Everyone!
OverBishop... No, No, and the season's not over yet...
Thank you guys... I love your blog!
Congrats to your great Blog and information source about Fringe. I'm always reading it with huge interest.
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