Fringe Benefits Project Artist Interview - Dave Quiggle ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Benefits Project Artist Interview - Dave Quiggle

      Email Post       2/05/2013 01:53:00 PM      

We have completed the set of Fringe Benefits Project Artists, Dave Quiggle has kindly spent some time answering our questions about his poster for episode 2.06 - "Earthling".

Q - Mr. Jensen Karp is the mastermind behind Gallery 1988 and The Fringe Benefits Project. When did he contact you about participating in the series? How much advance notice/working time did you have? Especially as the episodes were voted for by the fans of the show.

A- It sort of happened mysteriously and out of the blue and with only the essential information given. Kind of secret agent style. There wasn't a ton of time and there wasn't a lot of instruction, but because it was Jensen asking me, I knew that it was going to be something cool.

Q - If you had the chance to create another print in this series what moment would you have chosen?

A - I'm definitely partial to monsters so I would have loved to tackle The Transformation episode. Gary Pullin did an amazing job with that one. So creepy.

Q - Were you restricted/instructed in anyway ?

A - Jensen gave just enough instruction to wind me up and send me on my way which is perfect because I still felt a great amount of freedom.

Q - What's it like to watch a reveal drop from your end? Did anyone let you know when your print was to be revealed, so you could witness the reaction online ?

A - It was a total surprise to me and I definitely wasn't among to first to find out when it happened. It was a unique and exciting experience to be in the dark in many ways. A friend posted about it and I heard just like anyone else.

Q - Are you going to be releasing AP's? If so, a hint as to when they might drop? :D

A - I will be releasing some "Earthling" prints soon from my store but I'm not sure of the exact date yet. Soon though. I actually just received them in the mail and I'm so happy with how they came out.

Q - Do you have a favorite moment / episode ?

A - Even though it's obvious from the subject of my print, I really do love that moment where the woman walks in discovering something isn't quite right with Randy sitting emotionless in the chair.

That moment of horror when he begins to crumble is so powerful. Also, the line in the love note "I know how you love surprises…" is just so painfully tragic.

Your Art

Q - Are you a collector of prints yourself? If so, what are some of your favorite prints you own from other artists?

A - Yeah, for sure. Some of my favorites that I own are from artists Clark Orr, Invisible Creature and Derek Hess. It could definitely get out of control if I let it. Someday I may just open the floodgates but right now I'm trying to save for my kid's college education.

Q - Of all the prints you've done so far what's been the one you've been most excited to drop?

A - My favorite so far was the print inspired by Peewee's Big Adventure for last year's Crazy4Cult NY show.

The pinnacle of excitement for me was to discover an unexpected and unsolicited tweet / Facebook post about the print from the big PW himself. I'm a big fan.

Q - What would be your dream print to create for a gallery/studio (tv show, movie, band, or all three?)

A - At the moment I'm going through Game Of Thrones again and reading the books so my mind is just immersed in those characters and that world. I would love to tackle some of that subject matter.

I'm also a big fan of many of David Lynch's films. I just really love the feel of movies like Blue Velvet and Wild At Heart that mix music and imagery so well.

Q - Can you give us any hints of any prints you'll be dropping soon??

A - I have a collaboration print that I'm working on inspired by one of my favorite TV series of all time as well as some prints this summer that I'm over the moon about.

One of the best things about what I do for a living is never knowing what will pop up next and I'm always pleasantly surprised.

All that remains is to say a big thank you to Dave for sparing us some of his time and to say you can find out more on his website

You can also follow him on twitter @DaveQuiggle and also click here to visit his Facebook page


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