In this episode of The Fringe Podcast we are joined by Hank in Houston and Allan (a.k.a. Xerophytes) for a discussion about the Fringe season 1 episodes, "Safe", "Bound", "The Transformation", "The No-Brainer" and "Ability." We discuss the motives of David Robert Jones, Agent Loeb, and John Scott. We also discuss several instances of how these episodes tie in to later seasons, and we discuss the war between the redverse vs. the impending war with the Observers. Of course, we also discuss the relationship between Peter and Olivia, cortexiphan, and Peter's influence on Olivia's abilities.
Send in you theories and feedback to 304-837-2278 or feedback@thefringepdodcast.com.
Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

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