The hardcover book written by Tara Bennett and Paul Terry, is an authorized version the Observer September's notebook, and all his observations regarding the Bishop family and is currently available for order on Amazon for only $28.41 with free shipping!
The book starts off with a glyph code legend, which is helpful for translating various clues in the book.
The rest of the book is stylized like an actual notebook, with photos and articles faux-taped or faux-paper-clipped into the book, but there are also plenty of real notes and other items actually glued into the book.
Several of the sections contain "top secret" envelopes or folders, containing classified letters, posters, etc.
We'll have a full review coming soon!
For even more screenshots, check out our pre-order announcement.
I got mine in the mail a few days ago and I love, love, love it! It's extremely well put together, the photos are fantastic, and it's simply a great keepsake from the show.
If you dig through the Amazon reader reviews you will find one by Aimee Long, who was a frequent contributor to FTV. It is the best review so far.
To me the book is more of a fictional extension of the series itself rather than a definitive literary analysis of the show and the larger themes the show addresses. It is hardbound and printed on very fine thick paper. Much of it is organized like a real notebook that one would paste or tape pictures and little notes of text into. There are a few errors in describing the events in some episodes that one more proofread may have caught. I guess the publishing deadline caught up with them instead. But for the most part the book is very accurate and also beautiful to look at. So it's more of a coffee table book than a scholarly work (and I mean that in the nicest possible way!).
I like that it is pretty much organized chronologically and historically. It starts with the events of 1985: with Walter and Elizabeth, young Peter dying, and Walter crossing over to save the other Peter and bring him "Over Here". They were the episodes "Peter" and "Subject 13" that we saw as flashbacks. The book seems to focus more on Walter than Olivia or Peter, but that makes sense since this is a fictional book from September's point of view, and September knew Walter longest. Like September, Walter was also a scientist, so the emphasis is understandable.
The only disappointment is the episode discussions themselves. They are just brief synopses rather than analysis. But once again this is a fictional work rather than a book about the show. I haven't finished it yet. I'm up to the Season Four section, so I have yet to read that or Season Five. I love it for what it is and recommend it for fanatic fans like us and newbies as well.
Hey guys, could you tell me if I, who live here in Brazil, has some way to buy this (eagerly awaited) Notebook of September? And if anyone can tell me, I would be very grateful, because I found nothing here, and I think that is what should I buy this book, by any means, as well as an international distributor by the internet, I do not know what would . Thanks.
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