Yes, I know, that one thing has nothing to do with the other, but with producer Joel Wyman in the command of this series "Human", well that could, at least, have, in this new series, a quality approximate our Fringe, on issues of levels of plot, cinematography and cast of actors. Again Fringe is one thing, the other is "Human", but I'm good with foreboding, we have not a substitute for Fringe, but something that we can at least not feel so much the fault of those wonderful and fantastic universes and those other dimensions. Good luck for Joel Wyman and his "Human"!
If you are searching for a friendly place to discuss the Fox TV show Fringe, or just a resource for keeping up with the latest news, clues and views on the series, you have come to the right place.
Yes, I know, that one thing has nothing to do with the other, but with producer Joel Wyman in the command of this series "Human", well that could, at least, have, in this new series, a quality approximate our Fringe, on issues of levels of plot, cinematography and cast of actors. Again Fringe is one thing, the other is "Human", but I'm good with foreboding, we have not a substitute for Fringe, but something that we can at least not feel so much the fault of those wonderful and fantastic universes and those other dimensions. Good luck for Joel Wyman and his "Human"!
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