Thursday, October 25, 2012

FRINGE - Sneak Peek 3 - "The Bullet That Saved The World"

Walter has a lair!

Storage of Fringe Cases


  1. It's a great promo, and also great photography scene. Since the beginning of this sample, you can see that Walter is "other" Walter, no doubt. He is now ahead in the actions that arise, it opens the paths of possibilities and, also starts investigations, under the watchful, attentive, the others of the Fringe team. Something that had not happened before, when he was a guy, very submissive, needy. This Walter now, dictates the rules, have their own opinions and leads in Fringe events, I think. I'm really enjoying it, this "new" Walter.

  2. The window to the other universe! Hmmm.

  3. There's Officer Galespi! (Or what's left of him, at least.)

  4. milostanfield said...

    Unleash the freaks!


  5. Must have a can with the ashes of Mr. Jones, too ...


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