Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tonight On Fox: World Series

I'm a bulletproof tiger, dude!
Tonight on FOX is game two of the World Series between the San Fransisco Giants and the Texas Rangers. The Giants won the first game, which means they just need to win three more to return us to normal FOX programming.

If either team manages to win the "Fall Classic" in less than seven games (i.e. before November 4th), then we could get a new Fringe episode (Amber 31422) next week - otherwise new Fringe episodes will resume on Novemeber 11th.

If you need a Fringe fix until then, you can still catch Saturday Night Fringe repeats on Saturdays at 11:00PM (10:00 Central), or watch the last four episodes online anytime in the Fringe Episode section, on Hulu, or on

If you have a lot of catching up to do, you might want to get the Fringe DVDs or Blu-rays, or you can buy individual Fringe episodes on iTunes or Amazon Video On Demand.

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