Monday, September 16, 2013

Fringe Panel at Dragon*Con 2013

Lincoln, Astrid, & September at DragonCon 2013
Michael Cerveris, Jasika Nicole & Seth Gabel participated in a Fringe panel at this year's Dragon*Con.

"The actors answer a full hour of fan questions about their time on the show, the fate of Gene the cow, what it was like behind the scenes, their future plans, and much more. At the end of the panel they are asked to choose between Star Wars and Star Trek, and Seth’s answer is hilarious!"

The entire audio is available at

[Photo: subject13fringe]

1 comment:

  1. One way or another, it's great to see these three "characters", so beloved by us, together and answering questions, participating in the Dragon Con, representing, even in passing, the universes of Fringe. Very good so thank you Denis.


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