Tuesday, January 15, 2013

FRINGE: "An Enemy of Fate" Trailer

Here is the final Fringe trailer for the series finale double-episode "Liberty" & "An Enemy Of Fate", which airs ONE HOUR EARLY beginning at 8/7c on Friday, January 18th on FOX.

Screenshots for the "An Enemy of Fate" Trailer are available at FringeFiles.com


  1. Best trailer ever. Going to be the best finale ever:D

  2. Unbelievable.. even the trailer is a tear jerker.

  3. The single greatest television show ever will leave us this Friday, but I will remember it always.

  4. Jeez, I'm having goosebumps !

    Destroyed Statue of Liberty ? The return of ZFT's mega-cold-bug as a weapon against the Baldies ? Broyles in custody ? Friday is SOOOOO far away !

    So the titular "Enemy of fate" is Walter, then ? Well, that's logical. Reminds me a quote from Peter in the "Peter and the machine" comic book : "I can't leave in a world where the answer is : I can't."

  5. This definitely was an awesome ending to and awesome show, and I’m really going to miss it. It feels like the more answers I get, the more questions I have. I really like the way the series has been, and this show is become one of my all time favorites. I did watch what I could with my co-workers at DISH on our lunch break, and we didn’t get to finish it due to time constraints. At home, I’ve been using the PrimeTime Anytime feature on my Hopper DVR from DISH to record it. PrimeTime Anytime lets me record up to 6 shows at once, all 4 local networks (ABC, CBS, FOX & NBC) and 2 other shows of my choice, so I can watch all the episodes again when I get the time to and not have to worry about DVR conflicts.


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