Friday, September 14, 2012

Joel Wyman Tweets Some Season 5 Pics

As he is wont to do on Fridays, Joel Wyman usually hops onto Twitter and sends some tidbits of info out to the fans.

This time he tweeted a couple of pics:

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

2 more weeks!!!!!!!


  1. This three pictures, all in an atmosphere "dark", foreshadowing much thrillers, mysteries and fears of "great lords who observe and control everything," seem to indicate that what awaits us next season. Who could imagine is not it? Observers, once so friendly and tend to never commit to interventions, are now the great villains of these newest stories of the Fringe, huh?

  2. Different timeline, different outcomes.

    Look at how different Bell was in Season 4.

  3. Is that grown-up Etta with Olivia on picture 3 ? Nice to see Olive will be deambered soon !

  4. Great pictures ! Can't wait for Season 5. I feel like this season is gonna be darker than ever :)


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