Friday, June 1, 2012

FRINGE - Fans Ask: Season 4 (Part 1)

Here's the latest installment of Ari Margolis' wonderful 'Fans Ask' video series.
 In this Part 1, Joshua Jackson and John Noble talk about their favorite scene to film for their characters in Season 4.


  1. There are so many wonderful scenes it must be difficult for them to highlight only one or a few. I have become so comfortable with this group of actors and this series I hope they do not go too far astray in Season 5.

  2. I loved that moment when Peter hugged Walter.

  3. When Peter hugged Walter is one of my very favourite moments as well. Thank you for this little video, which is lovely to see during the break and also the little behind the scenes info on that heartwarming hug was nice to hear :)


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