Friday, April 13, 2012

Fringe Glyph Code in "The Consultant"

The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode "The Consultant" spelled out SIMON.

For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.


  1. I am hugly curios to this weeks glyoh code, I seriously can't recall any character being called simon, infact my first thought was that it was a biblical refernece, but I seriously have no idea this week

  2. I wonder if it is part 1 of a two part glyph, like we have had previously. Thus SIMON might be SIMON SAYS. The overall meaning might be that Jones is going to demand a ransom or he will destroy the worlds.

  3. Simon Phillips from Concentrate and Ask Again. He could read minds.

  4. "From Σιμων (Simon), the New Testament Greek form of the Hebrew name שִׁמְעוֹן (Shim'on) which meant "he has heard". This was the name of several biblical characters, including the man who carried the cross for Jesus."

    Now go take a look at the Greek letter in the chem beaker on the seal of the "Ministry Of Science."

  5. I think Simon might be an Observer's name. (The one that looks like he is being escorted through the garage by army looking men.. ) Also, it's possible that Olivia and Peter may have a daughter!!!!! And it's Etta!! YAY! Sooo psyched!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Simon = Peter ?
    Like Jesus disciple in the bible

  8. William Bell uses the alias Simon Paris in episode 2x10.

  9. I presume the last name Paris for Bell's alias was a reference to his character on the original Mission Impossible TV show.

  10. Yes, Paris is my real first name. As a man named Paris, I'm unusually aware of the use of that name by male characters. As a little kid watching reruns of MI on tv, I remember Leonard Nemoy's portrail clearly, thinking how cool it was this kick-ass character and I shared a name.

  11. Simon was william bell's alias and also was one of the Childern like olivia that walter experiemented on, Simon Could Read minds


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