Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fringe 416 Preview: "Nothing As It Seems"

Here is the preview from the end of "A Short Story About Love" for the Fringe episode "Nothing As It Seems", which airs on FRIDAY, March 30th at 9:00PM on FOX.

Head over to the FringeTelevision YouTube channel (and click the "pop out" button) to watch it in full-sized HD.

Screenshots from this preview can be viewed at

1 comment:

  1. So our Liv meets the Blue version of the psychologist Walternate forced her to work with Over There in 301.
    Guess that's why Ari Margolis told us to watch episode 301, "Olivia," before tha hiatus ended. Well, fellow fans, you have 4 days to do your homework!


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