Saturday, January 14, 2012

Support Fringe: Commercials From "Back To Where You've Never Been"

This is a compilation of all the commercials (and glyphs) shown during the Fringe episode "Back To Where You've Never Been".

Please take a moment to thank the sponsors of Fringe, by purchasing their products and/or saying thanks on their Twitter and Facebook pages. Keep it simple, like this tweet from :
Hey @toyota, I just observed your "Prius V" commercial during #Fringe. Thanks for supporting the show. :)
For other ways to show your support for Fringe, read BirdAndBear's post on overcoming Nielsen invisibility.


  1. thank you for putting it up :-)

  2. All of these great companies that advertise in the views of Fringe, reinforce the idea that the public target to be achieved by these great and qualified advertising, is specific and significant purchasing power. My congratulations to advertising agencies and their client outstanding, for choosing Fringe, as a vector of dissemination, in presenting their excellent products and services.

  3. Those set of commercials are in fine taste and very entertaining. The advertising agency in New York who did this campaigns are truly commendable.


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