Friday, January 27, 2012

Fringe Episode 410: "Forced Perspective"


Olivia continues to cope with the ominous warning from the Observers, while Peter and the team track a girl with the mysterious ability to predict death.
Happy Fringe Friday!

During tonight's episode, you can chat LIVE in the Fringe Chat Room, and help promote Fringe by tweeting about the episode using this week's hashmark #ObserveItLive. Also, don't forget to check-in at GetGlue using the key word "Pea Coat" to get this week's Fringe sticker.

After the episode airs, continue the discussion here in the comments, and get more Fringe information at the:
Check back here soon for Observer sightings, Glyph codes, and other Fringe Easter Eggs.

How do you rate the Fringe episode "Forced Perspective"?


  1. Another Peter storyline dropped just so Anna Torv can shine.

  2. The ratings are rising people! 1.2 rating, 3.37mil viewers, gained 6% in audience and up a tenth in demo! This is what I'm talking about! Let's ensure that they're even higher next week! 1.3 anyone? :)

  3. Thank you, fringa! :) anyway, the episode seemed a little slow at first but definitely picked up momentum. I loved all of the symbolism and parallels to what olivia is going through. I'm really starting to care about her character. And how creepy was Nina being? Wow. I really hope olivia didn't eat that soup!

  4. One of my favorite TV shows ever. Thanks for this awesome blog, it's so nice not only to watch the episodes but read other fans' opinions of them. Keep on updating this blog, it's really awesome!
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