Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fans Ask Fringe: Joshua Jackson And The Peacoat

Joshua Jackson answer a fan question in this latest Fans Ask Fringe interview:
"We miss the peacoat a lot. And you. Both Really. Please tell us Peter will be back in the peacoat soon." - Buffyundercover / Larissa


  1. Sad how that's the only josh has going for him on this show, his stupid coat.

  2. How did I know you would find a way to turn this into a negative? :)

  3. Well, until Josh has something INTERESTING to say about what Peter is going to do this season instead of bragging away about Olivia and her story and how Peter only came back just to tell Olivia who she is.

    Josh has really has nothing to say to the Peter fans to make us root for his character. It's all about Olivia and how perfect she is.

  4. So LadyGag, don't watch the show and stop visiting here to leave your negativity.

  5. "Wyman's on Twitter...I'm just sayin'."
    And it's true, once in awhile. And Joel knows we LOVE him, AND THE PEACOAT :)

  6. I love this and Peter and the Peacoat!! I say someone start a hashtag for the live watching of the show #jacksonandthepeacoat ? I know a little long, someone be more creative than me....

  7. Fringe Lover,
    Check my newer post in a little bit...


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