Monday, November 7, 2011

Commercials From Fringe Episode "Novation"

This is a compilation of all the commercials shown during the Fringe episode "Novation", excluding local and Fox ads.

I was inspired to create this by BirdAndBear's post on overcoming Nielsen invisibility.

Please take a moment to thank the sponsors of Fringe, by either purchasing thier products, or saying thanks on their Twitter accounts. Here is a list of the sponsors shown in the video above, with links to their twitter accounts.


  1. What a good idea to post the commercials. That could be a very powerful trend :-)

  2. Oh that's wonderful!! Thanks Dennis!! :D

  3. Did exactly that last week and actually got replies from a few sponsors!

  4. Great idea, Dennis! As I am not in the USA, was unaware of this quantity with high quality advertisers that Fringe (Novation) has. is a group of highlighted advertisers, truly expressive, with great advertising created, produced and elaborated, which give a touch of high quality presentations of Fringe, no doubt!

  5. @Suhara Which accounts did you tweet on? Can you pass them on please?

  6. Great idea. Maybe we could have a post where we could select what advertisers services/products that we have used in the last month to show our value. Having a count may be a valuable piece of information.
    Really, Fox should be doing exactly this on their site, and asking people, after or during the show (like a commercial break) to go online and show their sponsor support.

    Please let me know what you think about the Mass Effect idea. This could really work with careful planning.


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