Monday, September 26, 2011

Fringe Reviews Roundup: Neither Here Nor There

Here are some reviews from around the web, in no particular order, for the Fringe episode "Neither Here Nor There":
Have any favorite reviews, or reviews we should add? Let us know in the comments.


  1. Here is one I wrote:

    I'll be writing one for FringeTelevision this week.

  2. So, I feel kinda weird adding my own, but... I wrote this one over at TV Overmind -

  3. i was confused!! what were the Observers doing in the alter universe? both universes've connected now. they don't need them anymore!! i doubt about the part of Lincoln here. and how long has Walter been seeing Peter's image?

  4. Anon, we don't know how long Walter has been 'seeing' Peter. All we know is that episode 401 took place abotu a week after Peter formed the bridge between the two universes.

    What do you doubt about the part of the blue universe's Lincoln Lee? I am quickly growing to appreciate this character. He is quite different from the more egotistical, whimsical version Over There.

    "They don't need them(Observers) anymore!

    Don't be so sure about that! September was supposed to 'fix' his mistake by getting rid of the 'bleeding through' of Peter forever, but he didn't do it! This is going to be a very interesting season for September Gemini.

    Thanks Aimee and naddycat.
    If anyone reading this knows of any other reviews of episode 401, please add them here.


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