Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fringe Noble Intentions: Neither Here Nor There

John Noble discusses the effects of Peter's disappearance on Walter in the Fringe season premiere "Neither Here Nor There", in this latest episode of Fringe: Noble Intentions.


  1. I absolutely LOVE when John Noble gives us insight on the characters.
    I caught Walter counting his steps(an OCD-ism) last week.

  2. I noticed that Walter was counting his steps too and thought that that was something he definitely didn't do before but still funny. I thought i was wrong though 'cause people were saying he was avoiding stepping on cracks (which is something that Walter might do too i guess)...
    I think Walter with Peter around was funnier- though it's probably too soon to tell after just one ep.

  3. fringeaddict,
    I think Walter was 'funnier' with Peter around as well. However, Walter,now, without Peter, will be more bittersweet. And you'll want to hug him more than ever, jmo.

  4. Oh, I wanna give em all a hug! They've done such a great job (acting/writing/lighting etc etc) to imply that these folks are somehow more messed up without Peter. And I swear, they've made us audience members (& a household full of avid fans)'feel'not quite right either. Can't wait to see more.


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