Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, JJ Abrams!

Happy 45th birthday to the man behind the universes, and I don't just mean the two
we know of in 'Fringe.'

JJ Abrams, the creator of Alias, Felicity, Lost, and Fringe is celebrating a birthday today! Without him and his dreams and hard work, NONE of the Fringe characters would exist!

THANK YOU for all of your hard work in making Season 4 of Fringe a reality, JJ.
The staff and fans here at Fringe Television wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


  1. Huh... well I share the same birthday. Awesome! :D

  2. Happy Birthday Aimee and JJ!

  3. I wanted to tell you last night, Aimee, but I didn't want to leak this post early!
    Lucky you to share your b-day with the Boss!
    Have a good one. :)

  4. @Aimee,
    happy birthday.

  5. Aimee and JJ, Happy birthday!!!!!!!!


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