Monday, June 27, 2011

Comic-Con 2011:Fringe Coverage and Panel

Comic-Con 2011: Fringe Coverage and Panel
The fate of the world will be determined in the fourth season of Fox's awesome midbender of an acid trip Fringe. What secrets will we learn at the San Diego Comic-Con 2011 panel? Check back often for all our Fringe Comic-Con coverage.

By Kevin Fitzpatrick June 24, 2011

When Fox renewed Fringe for a fourth season, we all breathed a collective sigh of relief...but that sense of security was all but obliterated after we watched the season three finale "The Day We Died." WTF are Walter and Olivia going to do save the world and rescue Peter...again?

But what does John Noble himself have to say to UGO on the presence of Joshua Jackson's Peter Bishop at San Diego Comic-Con 2011 or the series' fourth season? Check it out!

"John Noble: I wish I knew the answer, because I contacted—Josh is my mate—and I said “what’s going on mate? Tell me what’s happening here.” I haven’t heard back from him yet. I saw it in the press release, which came out in the Hollywood Reporter [Joshua Jackson not being listed at Comic-Con] and I thought “everyone’s here but Josh.” And I can’t get an answer, so whether someone’s playing tricks or...what I heard last for sure is Josh obviously is contracted to come back; he’s the lead actor in the show. I don’t know what’s going on, and no one will tell me!

I’ve been trying to pin down the show-running staff, I saw them the other night and I said “I’ve gotta talk to you”; I ran into them Wednesday and I said “I’ve got to talk to you,” and they said “yeah...”; yesterday they stood me up twice, and they’re not talking to me! Then I saw them again last night, and my wife said to them, “you’re upsetting John, he wants to talk to you.” And they laughed. Today apparently they’re going to talk to me. Bad Robot loves to play all of this sort of viral stuff that goes on, which they do so brilliantly. And they know that we’re blabbermouths, so they don’t tell us too much."

Hopefully we'll get some answers at the Fringe panel at San Diego Comic-Con this year. But who's going to be there to give them, when the panel teleports into Ballroom 20 on Saturday, July 23rd at 4:15 - 5:00pm? See for yourself!

•Anna Torv (Olivia Dunham)
•Lance Reddick (Philip Broyles)
•Blair Brown (Nina Sharpe)
•Jasika Nicole (Astrid Farnsworth)
•John Noble (Walter Bishop)
•Jeff Pinkner (Executive Producer)
•J.H. Wyman (Executive Producer)

What?! No Joshua Jackson (Peter Bishop)? Is Joshua off filming The Mighty Ducks reboot, or are Fringe fans in for one hell of a special reappearance given what happened to Peter at the end of "The Day We Died?!" Check back often for updates on Fringe at Comic-Con 2011!


  1. WTF??
    I'm stumped.... I don't know what to make of all that. It's not like I don't already, but will definately be checking in regularly to find out more.

  2. And we'll post anything more the minute we hear it! I have a feeling, due to the showrunner's laughing at John's distress, that something's afoot. Stay tuned!

  3. @fringeobsessed.
    That is my take as well. They for sure know how to rattle the fans. Very mysterious and intriguing. Can't wait for all this to unfold.

  4. I think he might know more about the 4th season than the otehr actors and if he's on the panel and people ask him questions off-guard, they're afraid he'll answer.

    My other theory is that he'S altering his appearance for the show and they don't want to reveal anything. Shooting will be starting soon (in a few weeks), so this might be it...

    It could also simply be that the writers are still unsure of what role he'll play in the next season and he's asked not to be on the panel so he can have more time to make films.

    So many options...

  5. Juleroo,
    You bring up a valid point.
    If Josh Jackson has no eyebrows and no hair(as an example only)it would be quite hard to hide that while sitting on the CC panel!

  6. If Josh Jackson has no eyebrows and no hair, we'll all know before Comic Con, unless he's forced to stay indoors out of working hours.

  7. Hi all, I'll be going to SDCC this year, so I'm definitely going to try and attend this panel.

    Hopefully I've be able to live blog / update from the audience, but you never know how horrid the net connection will be !

  8. Isn't Josh working on a movie? It may be as simple as scheduling conflict. Or the showrunners want to deliberately build up some hype as already mentioned.

  9. Old Darth,
    Yes, Josh is working on "Lay The Favorite" in the New Orleans area. Certainly he may not be finished with that by later July when S4 production begins. Personally, I hope that's not the case.

  10. Old Darth, that movie wrapped up a couple of weeks ago. There is no scheduling conflict.

  11. Hello - does anyone think Josh deserves some well earned time-off? Why does he have to play the promotion game when the show is back for at least another two dozen episodes? Remember that he is courting one of the most elegant and talented females on the planet. They deserve a few weeks, or a month, in the summer to hook-up properly. (take a vacation - sheesh!) What better time than now when his character is an etheral non-thought. He may have also shot a few scenes for this next season before they wrapped last season.

    Or he could just be too embarassed to return to home to his Vancouver after losing the Hockey Championship - or was it the rioting hooligans that destroyed the city making Vancouver look like a third-world outhouse.

  12. Thanks for the update Trent.

    That certainly increases the intrigue factor!

  13. I really hope this is just hype or promotional or whatever to keep S4 plots under wrap and that everything is good. And I really hope that there is no discord within the Fringe team. That would be really sad.


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