Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fringe T-Shirt: Walter's Sweet Shop

T-Shirt-of-the-day site TeeFury has a Fringe themed t-shirt today.

The shirt titled "Walter's Sweet Shop" features a Gene the cow, some Fringe glyphs, and a variety of Walter's favorite foods: Fresh milk, Root Beer Floats, Blue Cotton Candy, Devil Dogs, Gum, Fruit Coctails, Coffee Cake, Blueberry Pancakes, Ginger Ale, and Flan (but sadly no Red Vines...)

The t-shirt is $10 and available today only until midnight EST at

*Thanks to Paul D for sending this in!


  1. Thanks for the link Dennis! I ordered one :)

  2. Not bad, but strawberry-flavored death should be on there.

  3. Fringeobsessed is right - "strawberry-flavoured death" simply has to be included. (Red Vines should be there as well.)

    Still, a pretty sweet t-shirt. Here's hoping there'll be more Fringe-related themes to follow!

  4. Awesomesauce!
    There is no resisting anything WALTER related. Ordered mine.

  5. For those who missed it on teefury yesterday you can still purchase it here at the artist's website:

  6. any one know where to buy the earpiece they use in the serie as phone


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