Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Joshua Jackson on Chelsea Lately 04/11/11

Joshua Jackson appeared on the Chelsea Lately show last night.
(And in addition to his usual humorous wit we get an explanation for the band he's wearing on his left hand.)


  1. hahahahah Dawson's Crack! ROFLMAO that man is awesome, gosh!

  2. Can we stop this from auto launching when we land on this page – not a great thing and a dead give away when you are supposed to be working!

  3. Yeah this was funny, man I wish she would get Anna on there, I haven't seen her on any talk show sense last season, I want to see her on Chelsea's though Anna aways cracks up so much, it would be fun to see, and John too would be nice!

  4. FF,
    I'm not happy with that either.
    I'll see what I can do...

  5. Josh is so charming -wistful smile- But committed... hmm, could that change for a fellow Canadian girl? lol

  6. Fringeviewer here: Thanks a lot, Dennis!


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