Friday, April 29, 2011

Fringe Easter Eggs: Glyphs in "The Last Sam Weiss"

The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode The Last Sam Weiss spelled out MULTI, as in MULTI-VERSE.

For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.


  1. As I said in the chatroom, I think next week is VERSE.

  2. @Brian/rpvee You're probably right. From this, I'm getting the hint that the two universes merged in a very weird way.

  3. Could be MULTI VAC as in the Isaac Asimov story The Last Question . The computer at the end of this book has a lot of parallels to the "machine" in the fringe universe.

  4. Multi. Multiple futures???


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