Thursday, March 3, 2011

Violet Sedan Chair on Amazon and iTunes

If you weren't able to find a vinyl copy of the Violet Sedan Chair album Seven Suns in your local record store (or buy one used on eBay,) it is now available for download on Amazon or iTunes.

Amazon has the entire album available for $8.99, or you can buy individual tracks for 99¢ each.

iTunes has the album for $9.90, or you can buy individual tracks for 99¢ each.

And if you would like to print out your own cover, here are some high-res scans of the front, back, and record label.

* Thanks to Joe for emailing us!


  1. Thanks. Already downloaded MP3's but needed quality cover and label. Now we're cooking!

  2. OOPS! U forgot side 2 of the vinyl label.

  3. Matthew,

    I didn't forget it - I just don't have it. If you are just printing a CD label, you only need one side anyways...


    That's the "hidden" track.

    I don't have the actual vinyl album, but I have seen rips of it online, and there are only 10 tracks.

    I'm not sure what "greenmana" is...


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