Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fringe Sneak Peek #3 - 317: "Stowaway"

Here's a brand new sneak peek for the episode of tomorrow night.


  1. Thanks, Dennis.
    Wow! And I thought Peter was pissed off in that other Sneak Peek! He needs to find a door or two to kick.

  2. I was hoping that Bellivia will help to prevent that fate ! .. " suitable genetically host ?? " humm interesting ... i want to watch this ep NOW ! .. is it Friday yet ?


  3. ...HMMMM, I'm thinking Lincoln here....I mean, they're not making him show up now for nothing...

  4. @fringeobsessed: He really needs a couple of doors to kick, hhahahaha, BTW am not Dennis am JD :) lol hahahha

  5. Sorry for giving Dennis the credit JD, haha.
    I'm getting tired. :)
    Is it Friday yet? Almost...

  6. Seems Bell does not know much more about the Machine than anybody else.

  7. Old Darth,
    Which seems odd, doesn't it?
    Especially since Bell had such an obsession for collecting the First People books and hiding them in his safe.
    But remember in Season 1 Dr. Boone told Olivia via video that William Bell was one of the people funding ZFT, so what are Dr. Bell's real motives here?

  8. It does. Really curious if Olivia is going to remember anything during Bell's cohabitation of her body.

    My guess is, sadly, probably not.

    Especially in light of the conversation in this clip.

  9. @fringeobsessed: Friday is here my friend :) lol

  10. peter might ring the bell to send bell back to get oliva back after bell said peter may not be able to pervent his fate?

  11. I think this must be the most "awkward" role for both of them, look at their face expression, a bit funny,ha~ha~, i would like to wait for the "NG role".

  12. Well 45 you should be happy from Peter's perspective because Bellivia is undoubtedly going to fill him in on things that Walter has forgotten.

    Win, win for everyone.


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