Friday, March 11, 2011

Fringe 317 Preview: Stowaway

Preview for the Fringe episode "Stowaway" , which airs next FRIDAY, March 18th at 9:00PM on FOX.

Head over to the FringeTelevision YouTube channel (and click the "pop out" button) to watch it in full-sized HD.

Screenshots of the video are available at


  1. OMG it's not the first time I say this but that WOMAN DESERVES an award!!! I am goin to laugh so, so hard when this episode comes out, I just know it.

    "... Don't listen to him.....her." go Peter, you can hold your horses for a couple of weeks, I know you can!!! Unless, that is, yo decide to go bi.....LOL


  2. Aha I totally agree, it was so finny to hear Anna's voice as she played William Bell.
    OMG this episode is gonna be epic!^^

  3. Anna channeling Nimoy was great! NerdiLee looks like a lot o fun too!

  4. Damn! Lincoln Lee is Clark Kent! Wonder what other surprises he has for us.

  5. Colleen! don't trust her, Bellivia.....


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